by Daniele Bovi and Ivano Porfiri
A red zone that includes 65 municipalities: the entire province of Perugia and six municipalities of Terni (Amelia, Attigliano, Calvi dell’Umbria, San Venanzo, Lugnano in Teverina and Montegabbione). It will take place from Monday with a duration of two weeks (from 8 to 21). The decision made by the Region was communicated to the mayors during the Cor meeting called for 6.30 pm but the ordinance will be signed only in the next few hours. The choice arises after a close discussion with the government and the Higher Institute of Health, after the confirmation of the circulation in Umbria of the English (18 sequenced samples from Perugino, Bastia, Trasimeno) and Brazilian (12 samples, most of them of internal groups in the Perugia hospital).
Rules What will happen in the municipalities covered by the ordinance? As explained in the press conference on Friday, the regulatory reference is the dpcm of January 14, which foresees, among other things, movements allowed only for reasons of work, health or necessity, closing of shops, shopping centers, markets, pubs. restaurants, beauty centers, museums, theaters, cinemas, gyms, swimming pools and sports centers, while hairdressers and barbers can work.
School: uncertainty about childhood As for schools, the decision would be distance education in all schools from primary school onwards, in a similar way to the ordinances already adopted this week by the municipalities with the highest contagion rate. But it is still possible that the closure will also affect kindergartens and nurseries. On this, the confrontation with the mayors was close and the decision is not yet final.
Prefect: more checks “We will be together with the mayors to ensure maximum vigilance in complying with the restrictions decided by the Umbria Region to contain the spread of the virus in areas with the highest rates of contagion.” Thus, the prefect of Perugia, Armando Gradone, at the conclusion of the summit with the police forces to agree on the guidelines after the energetic request to intensify the controls by the mayors. “In the fight against the virus -added the prefect- in any case, the sense of responsibility of each one continues being fundamental to maintain a behavior based on the opportune fulfillment of the prescriptions established by the competent authorities”.
Weekly incidence of new cases per 100 thousand inhabitants: