Draghi government, this was the second day of consultations – Politics


Rome, February 5, 2021 – Second day of inquiries by Mario draghi. The prime minister in charge today has continued in talks with the parliamentary groups of Camera me Senate. The first meeting with the Senate Group for Autonomy (SVP – PATT, UV) immediately brought a yes to the prime minister in charge. “As convinced pro-Europeans, we can only say yes to a Draghi government,” said Julia Unterberger, leader of the autonomies.

The day of Draghi face-to-face scan was very important to find the right balance for the composition of new government. In the morning the confrontation with Leu. “We were frank. This is not a time for tactics,” they said. Loredana De Petris me Federico Fornaro after the conference. “In the second round we await the definition of a programmatic and consequently political perimeter. It is clear that programmatic themes are not independent variables ”. From the comparison with Italy Long Live instead, a supportive position emerged independently. “We will support the Draghi government no matter how many technical and political ministers there are,” he said. Matteo renzi.

In the afternoon, the number of Brothers from Italy to support a potential Draghi executive. “Brothers of Italy will never go to government with Cinque Stelle and Pd,” he said. Giorgia Meloni. From the secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti in its place comes “full availability.”


Finally it was the turn of Go Italy. Antonio Tajani, after the meeting, guaranteeing availability but excluding a political majority, said that the delegation delivered the “plan to access recovery plan funds developed in recent days by our experts “.

Saturday will also play the League, the other political force that is expected from the choice of support or not for the new government of the former ECB president. The Carroccio of Matteo salvini He no longer closes the door, but is still waiting for the meeting to define his position before the vote of confidence in Parliament.

Tomorrow there will also be the resigning prime minister Giuseppe Conte, for the first time, at Five star summit with Beppe Grillo, convened for the morning of Saturday at 11 in Montecitorio to prepare the next meeting with the president and the Council in charge. The delegation that will meet with Draghi, in addition to Grillo and Crimi, also includes the Vice President of the Senate Paola Taverna and the leaders of the group Davide Crippa and Ettore Licheri along with some of the outgoing ministers: Luigi Di Maio, Alfonso Bonafede, Lucia Azzolina . , Vincenzo Spadafora, Riccardo Fraccaro.


Mineral 18.38. “We have confirmed the full support, already anticipated by Berlusconi, for a government with all the best forces in economic and cultural policy,” said the vice president of Forza Italia. Antonio Tajani, after inquiries. “Forza Italia is willing to contribute ideas and programs,” he added, and for this reason it delivered the “plan to access the funds of the Recovery plan developed in recent days by our experts “.

Mineral 17.11. The Democratic Party confirmed to Mario Draghi the “full will to contribute to his attempt to form a government.” So Nicola Zingaretti speaking to the press after meeting with the prime minister in charge. “The challenge is really great, we will do everything possible to help the country win it. We are convinced that Italy will achieve it.” But Democrats, Zingaretti added, also voiced “concerns and proposals.” The concerns are mainly about “growth” and increasing inequalities. “In the next few hours we will send Professor Draghi our document for a strong and lasting government program.” The secretary of Pd affirmed that “the challenge is really great and we will do everything possible to help win it. As Ciampi said, Italy will achieve it.”

Mineral 16.10. “We are moving towards a majority that has led us to the current disaster. That is also why we cannot vote for confidence. FdI will never go to government with PD, M5 and Renzi. We confirm this belief, but we are ready to lend a hand to Italy as responsible and patriotic political force “, this is the position of the Brothers of Italy, reaffirmed in the words of Giorgia Meloni, immediately after consultations with Draghi. We hope to find someone who wants to listen unlike those who were there before.”

Mineral 14.47. The smeared between the BTP and the German Bund advances to 97 points after opening near 100 and having fallen to 95 points, the lowest since December 2015. In two days the differential has fallen 20 points and, according to experts, with a government of Draghi with full powers and a recovery plan to match, could decrease up to 70 basis points. According to analysts’ estimates, a pair of scissors of this type would be equivalent to savings of around 1,500 million euros per year.

Mineral 14.38. “I was not asked to be Minister of Health” in a possible Draghi government, “neither officially nor unofficially. It is an invention of the press.” But I would? “I do not know”. Meanwhile “I think about it, I practice”. So Andrea Crisanti, director of the Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology at the Padua hospital and professor of Microbiology at the city’s university, who spoke on ‘Un giorno da pecora’ on Rai Radio 1.

Mineral 13.35. “Thanks to Mario Draghi: having identified him as an interlocutor to form a new government immediately brought a wave of credibility and confidence in the country. It is an insurance policy for our children and grandchildren: nobody can deny it. We are in the historical period in the one that Italy will have more money to spend in history, and this leads us to say that who better than Draghi can manage this transition ”, said the leader of Italia viva. Matteo renzi, at the end of the consultations with the prime minister in charge. “I hope that all the political forces express the same support for Draghi: whoever vetoes today not only makes a political mistake, but also rejects the call of the President of the Republic.”


Mineral 13.23. The leader of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi, heard Mario Draghi, informing him that he will not be present at the consultations. Berlusconi and Draghi had a long and cordial telephone conversation, in which he expressed his regret, and anticipated the position of Forza Italia, which will be illustrated to him in the afternoon by a delegation composed of Vice President Tajani and group leaders Bernini and Gelmini. Forza Italia makes it known.

Mineral 12.42. “The programmatic issues are not independent variables. The parliamentary base must be cohesive and must have a minimum of homogeneity. We will never sign the program of a government in which there is a single rate”, are some of the statements of Federico Fornaro from Leu at the end of the consultation with Draghi. “In fact, it is impossible to live with the sovereign and right-wing forces,” he added. Loredana De Petris – We have been very clear on this ”.


Mineral 12.23. “If there are spaces to help millions of Italians, it is us,” he says. Matteo salvini to Rainews24 about the League’s involvement in the Draghi government. But also with the ministers of the League? «If we are there, we are. We don’t do things by halves. If we have not collaborated as an opposition as we have done in this year and a half ”.

Mineral 12.04. “We want a political government. The formula of ‘Úrsula’ would be perfect. With technical governments we have not had good experiences for our small territories”, this is the thought of Julia Unterberger of Per le Autonomie at the end of the consultation with Mario Draghi. “We hope for a political government. I think that, as convinced Europeanists, we can only say yes to a Draghi government.”

Mineral 11.27. Keep squeezing it smeared between BTP and Bund while the second day of inquiries opens. The yield differential between the 10-year benchmark BTp (Isin IT0005422891) and the same German maturity, after having fallen yesterday, for the first time since the end of 2015, below the threshold of 100 points, and after having oscillated around the threshold in the morning, has come down so far 98 basis points.

Mineral 11.20. Beppe Grillo tomorrow will be in the delegation M5S will meet Mario draghi. The delegations for the meetings have not yet been officially communicated, but Grillo, except for last minute changes in the program, will be part of the team. Meanwhile, the newspaper has revealed a long phone call between the founder of the Movement and Draghi, which would have made Grillo change his mind, initially firmly opposed to a government led by the former number one of the ECB.

Mineral 10.24. The president of the Rousseau association and son of the founder of the Movement, Davide casaleggio, is in Rome. According to sources from the 5-star Movement, Casaleggio would be pressuring the leaders of the Movement to authorize a consultation of members on participation or not in the government
Dragons “I met with several parliamentarians and ministers here in Rome – said Casaleggio -. Whatever the possible political scenario, there is a broad consensus that the only way to have a cohesion of the 5 Star Movement will be to ask the members about Rousseau” .

Mineral 10.14. “I cannot believe that there is among us the belief that sitting at the same table as the Verdini da Rebibbia operation can represent good for the country even more at this dramatic moment,” he writes on Facebook. Barbara lezzi, Senator M5S. “A government with Berlusconi, Calenda, Renzi, Bonino and Salvini is not a political government but a fatal attraction for the M5S and a disaster for the Italians.”

Mineral 9.53. Another night spent in City of La Pieve by Mario draghthe. After the first day of consultations in Montecitorio with the political forces to form the new government, last night the former president of the ECB returned to the town of Umbria, chosen more than ten years ago as his good retirement. This morning the return to Rome for the second day of meetings. The decision to return to Umbria every night, at the end of the talks, could be dictated by the peace and serenity ensured by the Umbrian village.

Mineral 9.40. “I have always said that I would not have voted for a technical government and that I would never go to government with the Democratic Party, because today we are talking about that”, clarifies the position of Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Brothers of Italy. “Net of the vote of confidence that I will not give, if it brings measures that I share for the good of Italy, I vote them.” “I am so responsible that I can lend a hand – if someone wants – to Italy, even according to the opposition,” Meloni said.

Mineral 9.24. “We are working to have a strong government, but we are also defending our alliances,” said the Secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti. “Draghi is a great choice for Italy and he will not be lost – said Zingaretti in the interview with La Stampa – Salvini? He is a funny guy. He ruled us with the Five stars … Now they are not good anymore?” .
