today Berlusconi leads the Fi- delegation


Two days after the dispatch received by the President of the Republic – and accepted with reservation – the possibilities of a Draghi government seem much more solid than they seemed just on Thursday morning. The initial confusion shown by the political forces, which on Wednesday had sown doubts about the success of the historic opportunity that Sergio Mattarella offered the country, was transformed yesterday into a series of enthusiastic adhesions and decisive openings. To date there is only one party that will definitely vote no for Mario Draghi and Fratelli d’Italia. Instead, there are three parties that will surely say yes: Pd, Forza Italia and Italia viva. Then there are two parties that are slowly converging to support the advance. They are the two decisive parties: 5 Star Movement and Lega.


13.31 – Renzi’s unconditional self: Draghi’s support regardless
Italia viva immediately expressed its support for the nascent Draghi government. Its leader, Matteo Renzi, protagonist of the crisis in the Conte government, confirms his position, in fact, reinforces it after the meeting in Montecitorio with the former president of the ECB. In fact, Italy’s support lives independently, regardless of how many technical and political ministers there are. Thanks to Mario Draghi, having identified him as an interlocutor to form a new government immediately brought a wave of credibility and confidence in the country – Renzi commented. an insurance policy for our children and grandchildren – no one can deny it. We are in the historical period in which Italy will have more money to spend in history, and this leads us to say that who better than Draghi can manage this transition. The former prime minister hopes that all political forces will express the same support for Draghi: the President of the Republic has appealed to everyone, who today vetoes not only commits a political error but also rejects the call of the President of the Republic that he excluded to this government. a political connotation and spoke of a government that all forces can support.

13.22 – Berlusconi will not be in the consultations (for precautionary reasons related to his health)
President Silvio Berlusconi will not be able to participate today, despite himself, in the consultations with the president in charge, for precautionary reasons related to his health. This was communicated by himself to Professor Mario Draghi, in a long and cordial telephone conversation, in which he expressed his regret, and anticipated the position of Forza Italia, which will be illustrated in the afternoon by the delegation made up of Vice President Tajani and the leaders of the Bernini and Gelmini group. The blue party is one of those that will surely support the new government of Draghi, an executive born of the inability of the former majority to hold the country by the hand – commented in the morning Giorgio Mul, deputy and spokesman for the parliamentary groups of FI . -. “We have offered this hand since the beginning of the pandemic,” Silvio Berlusconi said in March a year ago that in war we must unite around those who have the responsibility to govern: they have not listened to us and unfortunately the results are for everyone . watch.

12.48 – Salvini: Ministers of the League? We don’t do things by halves
The political forces that change the balance in this delicate phase that precedes the birth of the Draghi government are Lega and Movimento 5 Stelle. Following the arrival of Casaleggio and Grillo in Rome and a Movement preparing to vote for Rousseau on supporting Draghi, a clearer position is expected from the League. last night the inauguration of the Deputy Secretary Giorgetti, who described the former president of the ECB as champion; Today morning number 1 Matteo Salvini to speak (for the first time) about a possible green presence in the new executive. If there are spaces to help millions of Italians, there we are, said Salvini. But also with the ministers of the League? If we are there, we are not doing things by halves. If we have not collaborated as an opposition as we have done in this year and a half. This is not a time for external support, for strange things. Either you are there or you are not. Then a passage on the 5 Star Movement: Do you want the members of Rousseau to decide? Greetings … We decided by talking and not on the platforms, but in any case everyone does what they think.

12.44 – Leu meets Draghi: We are incompatible with the League and the sovereignists
Leu also knows Draghi. The party sided with Conte in the first phase of the government crisis and is working on the longer-term political project of the alliance with the Pd and the M5S. Now it is a question of entering a government in which there could also be members of the League. We have listed the priority and fundamental points. They are basins, as is the fact that the Pd-M5S-Leu alliance is strategic and must be a solid base that, if consolidated in programs and projects, cannot be dispersed, says Loredana De Petris de Leu. Later, however, he touched on the most delicate issue, the “frontier” of the majority, and he did so by speaking of incompatibility. Precisely because the issues are fundamental, this majority is incompatible with the presence of forces such as the League and the sovereign forces of the right. With Draghi we were very clear, concluded De Petris.

11.24 – Also Grillo in the Draghi M5S delegation
Beppe Grillo will also be in the M5S delegation that will meet tomorrow morning with Prime Minister Beppe Grillo. what is learned from parliamentary sources. Even Davide Casaleggio in Rome, and he does not exclude that in the next few hours he will see the guarantor of the Movement. Association President Rousseau explained: I met with several parliamentarians and ministers here in Rome. Whichever political scenario is possible, there is broad consensus that the only way to have a cohesion of the 5-Star Movement is to ask members about Rousseau. There is no confirmation or denial, however, about meetings with the leaders of the Cinquestelle or with Alessandro Di Battista, who again made his critical voice heard about the support for the government that is trying to compose the president in charge, Mario Draghi

10.52 – Draghi in Montecitorio: the second day of consultations begins
The Prime Minister in charge Mario Draghi in Montecitorio: the second day of consultations for the formation of the new government has begun. The first meeting with the Senate group `Per le Autonomie (Svp – Patt, UV). it was a very positive first meeting. Draghi in Germany has a reputation for being more German than Germans, with the South Tyrolese there can only be a special feeling. This was stated by Julia Unterberger, from the Senate Autonomous Group, at the end of the meeting with the designated prime minister. We expect a political government, “he added,” Úrsula’s formula we believe would be the best because we have not had good experiences with technical governments. As convinced pro-Europeans, we cannot stop saying a Draghi government, he concluded.

9.55 am – The challenge of the borders of the majority. Gypsies: Depends on Draghi
With the widening of the Sa Draghi front, the issue of defining the borders of the new majority also opens, which runs the risk of having to contain and above all make very distant souls live together. But defining the perimeter and making the synthesis, according to the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti, is the task of Professor Draghi. We will offer the contents, starting with progressive taxation and active labor policies. We will not go back a millimeter in the European anchorage and we will make our choices based on the contents. I want to understand why the League has not voted Von der Leyen to the EU Commission, that is the model that can define a perimeter. The secretary assures that the dem will work and align for a program based on certain principles and it is no coincidence that Mattarella has appointed a suitable person to produce a synthesis, there is a lot of confidence.

9.20 a.m. – The 5 stars and Conte’s gesture
Yesterday was a crucial day for the turn of the 5 Stars, because the only three who counted participated: Grillo, Di Maio and Conte. The outgoing prime minister made the cheeky gesture: in front of the government headquarters, he said he would not sabotage Draghi and set himself up as a reference point for the “alliance for sustainable development” with M5S-Pd-Leu. Di Maio and Grillo explained to their troops in poor condition that “you can’t say no to the Quirinale”, and therefore to Draghi. therefore, it is more than plausible that the Movement will say yes – most likely – or abstain, with some loss bearable and even desirable for future use.

9.08 am – The day of the enthusiastic parties
Today Draghi sees the three enthusiastic parties: Italia viva, Pd and Forza Italia. But tomorrow will be the decisive day, when the first round of consultations with the two great parties closes. The calendar includes: 11-11.30 with the Group of Senators for the autonomies (SVP – PATT, UV); 11.45-12.30 Free and equal group; 12.45-13.45 Italia Viva; 15-16 Brothers from Italy; 16.15-17.15 Democratic Party; 17.30-18.30 Forza Italia. Then there will be a second round, ending on Tuesday. By the end of next week, Italy will have changed.

February 5, 2021 (change February 5, 2021 | 13:54)

