“Matteo Renzi? It’s not shit, but …” – Libero Quotidiano


Incredible but true. A “night chat”, as he defines it Paper, with Rocco casalino. The same Bed sheet that Casalino has been targeting him for a long time, harshly criticized. “It is not easy to question him because he is cunning,” they write. Simone canettieri me Salvatore merlo, who signs the piece. So much so that Casalino asks: “But aren’t you interviewing me?” Yes, about … And the spokesperson for Giuseppe Conte, the now former spokesman for the Prime Minister, speaking of what happened, of the defenestration, explains: “No, we do not regret it. On the contrary, I live it as a liberation. Do you know what it means to bring the voice of another?”

There are emails, they bring up Casalino.  Political bomb in the middle of the negotiations: very dirty game in Rai against Renzi

The cult passage of the interview is the one above. Matteo renzi. Speaking of him, when they remind him that he cheated on them, he and Conte, Casalino responds: “I wouldn’t call it shit … I’d rather say a … let’s say … Look, in politics. There are no good guys or bad guys. There are interest. And Renzi was good. Instead, where was he going with the 2 percent? Now he has a chance of salvation. ” And how is Conte? “Here at Palazzo Chigi no one is sad, I swear. It was very heavy. I did not think. They were two very difficult years: the Morandi bridge, the pandemic ”. In short, choose Casalino paper cannonade against Renzi. Unprecedented choice and high symbolic value.

Here's the cover of Casalino's book.  All true, megalomaniac: a disturbing choice |  Look

But anyway, “now I live. I am free. I breathe. My book will be out soon,” he remembers. That Memoirs of a spokesperson with the grotesque House of Cards style cover that’s causing a lot of discussion. The step up is also interesting Luigi di maio. They explain to Casalino that “I often hear you say this. That Luigi hates me. But in M5 we have a unique bond. We were born together, but aren’t you doing an interview with me?” He asks again. Just a chat. “I recommend it,” he concludes, without really going into the merits of the rumors about the relationship between him and Di Maio.

Love, rest assured.  Coup de grace in Casalino, that humiliating audio reappears: the forbidden dream of Conte's spokesman
