The rags fly a Half past eight Between Lilli gruber me Matteo salvini. And it could not be otherwise, since they represent two diametrically opposite positions, although at the end of the confrontation-clash the two duelists recognized the honor of arms. The only real moment of high tension occurred when the host of La7 brought up the issue of managing the epidemic, picking up the blow from the secretary of the League: “The government he liked set a world record for deaths and economic decline”.
“I remind you that the record is held by the Lombardy Region governed by Attilio fontana“Gruber replied provoking Salvini’s reaction:” Let me understand, the deaths in Lombardy are the fault of the Northern League, while those others are not the fault of the Conte government? Your intelligence hurts if you say these things. “But on this front you have always criticized Count bis”, “of course, they said that the Italian model was the best in the world …”, “eh but instead you talk about the Lombard model when you have the highest number of deaths .. . “.
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After this question and answer, Salvini closed the question as follows: “The epidemic broke out in Lombardy, I thank everyone, of whatever political color they are, who worked to put out the fire that had started there. Since the Minister of Health wrote a book about the end of the epidemic that was later withdrawn, let’s delete this speech. Also in this study it was said that if Salvini had been in the government it would have been a catastrophe …”.