At first, for Count I, in 2018, it was the government contract, signed by Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini. Following, in 2019, for Conte-bis, the legislative pact, between M5S, and Pd. Now, for the eventual Conte-ter (which also the crisis barometer of Roberto Gressi shows a strong increase), the chrono-program time. Today, in any case, thanks to the mediation of Roberto Fico, the day of the maxi table between the majority parties to finalize the government program. Matteo Renzi would seem willing to remove the aut aut in the month, but everyone is already looking at the totoministri and, above all, they fear that behind the sentence of the leader of Italy, first the program will live, then the name of the premier, it may be that a new trap.
10.30 – Bernini (FI): High profile government with all or the ballot boxes
While the center-left and the M5S are engulfed in the confrontation table with the scout Fico, the center-right sends messages through the declarations of its first and second rows. Salvini asked again to return to the polls. The President of the Forza Italia Senators, Anna Maria BerniniOn the other hand, it relaunches with the hypothesis of a high-profile executive, a government of national unity, in short, which sets clear objectives and has them managed by the most competent personalities in the matter. With a clarification, which in recent days had not been highlighted: The assumption must be that the center-right remains united, that we enter this executive together or find an agreement together. The alternative is voting, which can be held in maximum security even when there is a pandemic and of which we are not afraid. After consultations with Mattarella, the center-right line had been a resounding no to Count Ter accompanied by a request to the head of state to evaluate the dissolution of the Chambers. In the case of other hypotheses, each political force would have been free to make its own evaluations. too Silvio Berlusconi, in yesterday’s interview with Corriere della Sera, he remained in this line.
9.47 – Working table called by Fico at the beginning: here is who
The meeting of the work table called by the President of the Chamber begins in the Lupa di Montecitorio room Roberto fico, in the context of consultations. About fifteen people will participate in the meeting, which will be presented by Fico: leaders of the M5S group, Davide Crippa and hector Licheri, those of Pd Graziano From the river and Andrea Marcucci, for Italy Long live the leaders of the Maria Elena group Forest and Davide Pharaoh, by Federico Libre e Igual Fornaro and Loredana By Petris, for the Europeanists – MAIE – Senate Democratic Center Senators Raffaele Fantetti and Maurizio Buccarella, by the Parliamentary Group of Autonomies of the Senate Albert Dances and Gianclaudio Bressa, by CD-Maie Bruno Tobacco and Antonio Speed. A huge table was set up in the hallway to ensure distance between those present.
09.15 – Salvini: I hope this theater ends
I think they will not reach an agreement, so it will be appropriate to give the floor to the Italians. The leader of the League said so, Matteo salvini, in Telelombardia, referring to the confrontation between the majority forces in the program of the new government. Among the divisive issues between the majority parties, Salvini mentioned pensions, school and the deferral of tax bills. Parliament has been standing still for weeks. I hope this small theater ends, this search for senators, because we cannot continue like this. We, as the center-right, are compact, Salvini added. And again: I am no longer surprised. Many deputies, instead of giving up their seats, would also vote for the foreign government.
February 1, 2021 (change February 1, 2021 | 10:40)