Sofia Goggia injured: right knee sprain


The blue snow star returns to Milan for more investigations: the Cortina World Cup in danger, starting Sunday

“Sofia Goggia was the victim of a fall on the return track that took the female supergiant’s competitors downhill and was canceled at the German Garmisch track due to fog. The Olympic champion from Bergamo suffered a sprain to her right knee and is heading to Milan to be examined by the FISI Medical Commission ”. It is the first bulletin published by Federsci on the conditions of the 28-year-old blue star, who fell in Garmisch, Germany, while on a track parallel to the race track, returning from start to finish.


The German track is not going well for Sofia, who reported a radio fracture in Garmisch a year ago that closed the season early. This time Goggia was returning to the valley with the schools after the news of the postponement of the Super-G: he would have fallen on fresh snow, rolling several times and also losing his helmet during the fall. Immediately rescued, they would take her on a stretcher. Accompanied by the anxiety of the world of blue skiing, with the state of his knees that had immediately aroused concern.

world fear

Goggia was one of the most anticipated blues at the Cortina World Championships: the opening ceremony is scheduled for next Sunday, the start of the races on February 8. Sofia runs the risk of having to give up due to this new injury.
