Ready to “digest” Italia Viva? – Free diary


Grillini in disorder. M5 about to split. Dissidents led by Alessandro Di Battistain fact they don’t want a new deal with Matteo renzi. Seven grillini would be willing to leave the party, in case they collaborate with Italia Viva again. And this morning a meeting was scheduled, starting at 10, on an online platform. Meeting of dissidents, a score of between the House and the Senate, who would have taken stock of the return in the majority of Renzi, clearly contesting the reversal of the party leaders on scrap metal. But Carbonara rally was skipped due to news leak the day before. In short, they prefer not to expose themselves. And, perhaps, they prefer to “swallow” Renzi too so as not to lose their seat.

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However, Di Battista returned to attack the leader of Italia Viva in the morning. “Renzi against the revocation of the Benettons: one more reason to keep him out of the government, “he wrote on social media, relaunching a TPI article on January 22. In short, a total attack on Renzi and who, in the M5, has returned to extend his hand.

So from the M5s, here are the words of Luigi di maio: “Right now we need a strong executive, as long as we look weak in the eyes of the world. Or we get it into our heads that we have to get started quickly with a new government that aims to make the most of the 209 billion recovery or future generations they will mourn the madness of a policy that instead of thinking about the problems of the Italians, fought for the seats “, wrote the chancellor on Facebook. And again, he added:”The worst time has been chosen to open a government crisis that is blocking the country. The covid bulletin every day reminds us that there are still too many victims. The situation is far from reassuring, also because the pharmaceutical giants are putting our vaccination campaign at risk ”.I’ll be tough, but we are at war with an invisible enemy. that kills people every day and is bringing the country’s productive sector to its knees ”, concluded Di Maio. Anyway, hurry up. Even with Renzi, at this point.

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From Italia Viva, on the other hand, there is a partial setback in the Month, the only point at which the Renzians could yield. “We are ready to understand everyone’s reasons for everything and others do the same. For us, the Month is necessary to be able to relaunch the health system. But if they tell us that we find other sources to find resources, we will confront ourselves, we do not put unbearable conditions on anyone, we will never have a preclusive attitude on an issue that can affect everything else, “he explained. Ettore Rosato to SkyTg24. In short, the holidays seem to be approaching.

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