Chaos red zone, here’s the truth. So the ISS algorithm got stuck


Where the algorithm has gotten stuck, technicians now get it. The woman, however, is finished. A cog in the complicated machine that calculates theRt the virus got stuck without anyone, at least at first, noticing. An error that condemned Lombardy to Red zone without merit, causing millions of euros in damage to merchants and sparking a political fight betweenIss and the Region with many accusations and crossed appeals. Whose responsibility is it? A little ‘is the fault of bad luck, it must be said. A bit of an emergency, which leads to the collection of data defined by the super technicians themselves as “bad, but really bad”. A bit of the concatenation of events that have produced the so-called “Lombard mess”.

Let’s start by defining the RT, the number that estimates the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 in a given period of time
