Second day of consultations in the Quirinal for the formation of a new government: after yesterday listening to the presidents of the chambers, today Mattarella meets with the parties, including Italia viva at 5.30 pm and Pd at 6.30 pm. Tomorrow it’s up to M5, Lega, Fi and Fdi. Armored Dem and Conte pentastellati. Meanwhile, the group of European “leaders” was born in the Senate – who will go to Mattarella at 11.50 – from which the Mastellas are left out. And alternative hypotheses are advanced to a Count (as explained here by Roberto Gressi): Roberto Fico, Luigi Di Maio and Paolo Gentiloni are also in the race. But the chancellor disassociates himself: «They draw my name with the clear intention of putting me against With you. They know very well that I work with him, with the utmost loyalty. Meanwhile, Conte aims at least for an exploratory mandate, but the road is uphill (as Monica Guerzoni says here). Matteo Renzi (as Maria Teresa Meli writes here) announces that he will not bring names to the Quirinal but will seek guarantees in the program.
12.30 pm – The first part of the day’s consultations ends
The first part of this Thursday’s consultations has ended. In the afternoon, President Mattarella will meet with the Leu de la Cámara group at 4:45 p.m., which will reiterate the line already advanced by its senators (who in Palazzo Madama are not a group but a member of the Mixed team) for re-election. to Conte; at 5.30 pm the groups from Italia Viva; and at 6.30 pm those of the Democratic Party.
12.10 – De Falco: “I support Conte but change of pace with the pandemic”
The Maie group of the Senate has also expressed the desire for a re-election of the outgoing prime minister and – specified the president Raffaele fantetti – “He has no foreclosure against the forces that supported the current government.” The senator Gregorio De Falco The decision was also motivated by the need to “not waste time” in managing the pandemic, waiting for the launch of a true “health rescue” plan. For De Falco, on this front, “a decisive change of pace” is necessary in the executive’s action. The senator Ricardo Antonio Merlo then he specified that the Maie does not intend to expand its group or proselytize, but “to expand the majority.”
12 pm – Tabacci: “Necessary re-appointment to Conte”
The newly formed European group-Maie-Cd of the Chamber considers it necessary to reappoint Conte, “the only possible balance in this legislature.” Explained it Bruno tabacci, after the face to face with President Mattarella. “What we must try to do – he added – is to create a government that is even more authoritarian than the current one.”
11.50 am – Renzi: “After unlikely personal solutions, now follow the hill”
After weeks in which unlikely personal solutions have been tried, the time has finally come to follow the Constitution, to trust the Head of State and to speak the language of truth before the country. The truth, not the tissues. Politics, not populism. It is the message that Matteo renzi entrusted to his electronic news a few hours after the meeting with President Mattarella. The Italian delegation alive will be received at 5.30 pm and will be made up of Renzi himself, the group leaders Davide Faraone and Maria Elena Boschi and the former minister Teresa Bellanova.
11.38 – Emma Bonino: “No to another Conte government”
The Action and + Europe components are not available for any kind of continuity, nor for a new government led by Giuseppe Conte, but they await a new executive with a pro-European orientation that will work in particular on the vaccination plan, the definition of the use of Recovery plan funds and a review of the electoral system. This is, as explained Emma bonino, which the group told the head of state. Bonino herself had anticipated her position in an interview with Corriere della Sera in which he explained that Conte “is not immovable.” The political formula that Action and Europe envision in support of a new executive is that of the so-called “Úrsula majority”, that is, a matrix extended to the centrists such as the one that allowed the election of Ursula von der Leyen as head of the Union European. Commission.
11.20 – Leu also mentioned Conte’s name to Mattarella
The Free and Equal group has let the President of the Republic know that it is willing to support a new government led by Conte. President Loredana De Petris spoke of the need to rebuild and expand the majority on a Pd-M5S -Leu axis. Pressured by journalists, she reiterated the negative opinion about Renzi’s breakup and the opening of the crisis (“for which we have not yet understood the reasons, or perhaps we have understood them too much”) but without closing the door to Italia Viva. “But we need a large majority,” he reiterated, “not at the mercy of incomprehensible positions.” The former president of the Senate, Pietro grassoThen, he raised the doubt that the crisis operation was started with the intention of breaking the yellow-red alliance and preventing him from managing the recovery plan.
10.50 a. M. – Salvini’s selfie at Palazzo Chigi: “Ready for the test”

Meanwhile Giuseppe Conte me Matteo salvini in the morning they face another examination, the judicial one for the Gregoretti case. The Catania gup, Nunzio Sanpietro, is holding the prime minister’s hearing at Palazzo Chigi, heard as a witness in the process that sees the leader of the Northern League under investigation for kidnapping. Salvini himself published a selfie from the seat of government where the hearing takes place: «This is Palazzo Chigi. Ready for trial this morning. As a minister, I defended my country, reduced landings and disappeared at sea, saved lives, saved millions, and protected Italians. I’m proud of it”.
10.40 am – The Autonomies: “Yes to a European government with a preference for Conte Ter”
The groups of the Autonomies were the first to dialogue with President Mattarella. Upon leaving the interview, they said that they had expressed to the head of state their willingness to support any European formation that has the protection of autonomies and minorities in the program, but with “preference for a Count Ter”, from the collaboration since here had with the executive. The representative of the Aosta Valley, Albert lanieceHe also asked the new government for greater attention to the mountainous areas, which were not considered with adequate attention during the emergency. “We are of the opinion that the country does not need a crisis at this time,” the president of the group stressed then. Julia Unterberger.
10.30 am – The second day of consultations at the Quirinale begins
9.56 am – Astorre: “Renzi’s break is more personal than political”
«To improve the house it is wrong to destroy it, especially if you wanted this house and knew all the limits very well. It is one thing to criticize to improve, another is to destroy, perhaps from a political perspective. Renzi might as well have been right about something on the merit, but it cannot be destroyed at a time when the entire world is staring in awe at Italy, which is the only country in the Western world to be in a crisis of government. I think one thing is to improve criticism, another is the destruction and scrapping of the government. So Bruno astorre, Senator of Pd and secretary of Pd Lazio, to the microphones of Radio Cusano Campus. .
9.15 am – Schifani: “Survival as an end in itself does not serve the country”
“For personal reasons, hidden by political criticism of the government, Renzi threw the country into institutional chaos by opening a crisis in the dark at a very delicate moment. One wonders where the leader of IV has been in all these months: was he not also in the majority? ». So invited to Radio me too on Radio1 Rai, the senator from Forza Italia and political advisor to Silvio Berlusconi Renato schifani. “Fortunately, the markets are not attacking us yet, but it is necessary to give Italy security and stability. The sirens of the majority and the courtships are incessant, but they have a respite: it does not propose a political project but a survival by itself, which is exactly the opposite of what Italy needs. The value of responsibility continues to characterize all forces in Italy these days. We trust that President Mattarella will be able to find the right solution ”, he concludes.
8:47 am – Catalfo: delicate moment, Conte continues to be a benchmark
“Without a doubt it is a delicate moment for the country” and “without a doubt President Conte had and has a very important role, he has handled the crisis in an important way”, so he continues to be “the point of reference” for us. This was stated by the Minister of Labor, Nunzia catalfo, a Radio me too on Rai Radio One.
8.46 am – Toti: “Conte cannot stay on the” individual steps “
«Today we will know if in the end the Conte government lives, if an agreement is reached after the somewhat brutal tear of Renzi, or if there are no positions to rebuild the government. I don’t think that President Conte can think of governing with unique steps like the ones we saw yesterday “: the president of the Liguria Region and leader of Let’s change!Giovanni toti this morning on Radio Capital. “If an agreement is reached with Renzi, an Accountant will start over, he could not say on what basis and how many criticisms made by some, even opportunely by Italia Viva, will be accepted, or if there will be no numbers for a government,” he adds.
8.43 am – Amendola: “Evoking Gentiloni and Draghi does not seem like a smart sport to me”
«Pulling the jacket of personalities who have given and are giving prestige to the country does not seem like a smart sport to me. They are usually evoked by people who do not even have the telephone number of these characters. He said that Enzo Amendola a general about Gentiloni and Draghi in government. «Paolo Gentiloni is committed as Commissioner for the Economy in one of the most delicate moments in European history, before mentioning his name I congratulate him on what he is doing in Brussels. I have no opposition, they are great personalities, but I would stick to today’s realization and do it well.
8.00 – Vitali: “There is no support for Conteter”
The Senator of Apulia from Forza Italia Luigi vitaliThe former undersecretary of Justice of the Berlusconi government will not support a possible Conteter government: the news had circulated last night, but today he denies it. “In the last hours I had the opportunity to speak with Prime Minister Conte, presenting him with the urgency and importance for the country of a comprehensive reform of justice, declaring my support for the return to the rule of law and the guarantees in the process.” So Senator Luigi Vitali. “It is unacceptable to think that the statute of limitations has been abolished in a civilized country when trials have an average duration greater than all European standards. This reasoning shared with Conte – he adds – was as a result of what President Berlusconi had already declared about the opening to an institutional government and what Secretary Matteo Salvini declared about the desire to speak with anyone as long as the content of a Government platform that contemplated, among others, a judicial and fiscal reform. Useful and essential ways to avoid early elections that I still consider foolish. Therefore, I reiterate no political support for Count Ter “, concludes Vitali.
January 28, 2021 (change January 28, 2021 | 12:43)