“Authentic scandal in Parliament”, the coup by Giuseppe Conte in a video on Facebook – Libero Quotidiano


“While we are in Parliament we attend a real scandal, which is the attempt to let people go not from an idea but from an opaque management of personal and institutional relationships, to the creation of improvised groups, today we are here to say with force that we gave up on our couches“: Speaking is the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo renzi, in a video on Facebook. According to the former prime minister, who responds to those who criticize him for opening a crisis at the wrong time, there are three fields in which we must intervene to avoid the definitive collapse of our country.

Renzi speaks of the economic, health and educational sector: “The conditions exist to restart. Europe has 209 billion available. I would like to shout this concept: either we decide to invest these resources now or it will be late in a year. That is why we ask for a change in the country’s economic policy and the unblocking of infrastructure. And stop flooding money in the rain on tips and marches. The first element of crisis is the economic one ”.

On the subject of health, then, the leader of the Italia Viva party explained: “The moment to organize mass vaccination and now. We need to have a territorial organization in the pharmacies so that mass vaccination works when the doses arrive ”. And again: “The third emergency in our country, which for me is the first, is educational. Distance education is not the solution. Rolling benches are a joke”.
