Government crisis, Conte resigns: the latest news today


First the Council of Ministers, then the Quirinale. Giuseppe Conte at 9 o’clock he arrived at Palazzo Chigi for the last CDM of the Giallorossi executive where he communicated his decision to leave the government. “I thank all the ministers, for each day of these months together,” the prime minister told his now former government team. “Support and compactness”, responded the heads of delegation of the majority forces, Alfonso Bonafede (M5S), Dario Franceschini (Pd) e Roberto Speranza (Leu). Then, a long applause closed the Council of Ministers. At noon of the second stage of Conte’s day, in the Colle for the formalization of his resignation, thus opening a delicate government crisis. From that moment on, all the scenarios that the head of state will have to evaluate are possible. But first Sergio Mattarella it will initiate lightning consultations with all political forces, from the re-election of the outgoing prime minister by a “ter”, as Pd, M5s and Leu hope, to the extreme solution of the dissolution of the Chambers.

Government crisis, Conte rises to Quirinale and resigns. And try to make a government of national salvation

by Tommaso Ciriaco, Emanuele Lauria

On Renzi, just a brief comment from the vice president of the Democratic Party, Deborah Serracchiani: “No one can put could you Never say never in politics. “In the meantime, the lawyer must find a solution quickly. Conte will spend the next 48 hours trying to survive even this crisis. He knows he only has two days to encourage the birth of a group of” builders “and get the job of forming a “national salvation” executive. He claims to have spoken personally with twelve leaders. But he is also aware that so far no one has come out openly. If they didn’t do it before Wednesday afternoon, the feat would be it will return almost impossible.

Government crisis, someone talks about Italy

by Stefano Cappellini

The lawyer will play his riskiest game in the dark. The scenario that opens would lead, at least in the Giallorossi’s intentions, to a Count, supported by a larger parliamentary majority. The 5 Star Movement will block the premiere. Even the Democratic Party makes a square around it, the same Leu. Matteo renzi for the moment he is silent: and a meeting of the parliamentary groups is scheduled for this afternoon. The center-right goes on the attack: the leaders of the Lega, FdI and the vice president of Forza Italia will meet today, in a summit also extended to the centrists of the UDC, the Totianos of Cambiamo and Noi with Italy.

I’m tweeting live

The day live.

12.01 Conte arrived at the Quirinale

12 pm Bonafede on Cdm: “Now compact around Conte”

“This government has found itself going through a stage of extraordinary difficulty like the one caused by the pandemic. We have worked for the citizenry with commitment and we have achieved a unity that we would not have imagined at the beginning of this process. It is time to confirm and demonstrate this compactness around President Conte ”, said the head of delegation of the 5 Star Movement, Alfonso Bonafede, during the Council of Ministers this morning.

11.59 hours. Conte leaves Palazzo Chigi to go to the Quirinale

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte left Palazzo Chigi to go to the Quirinal, where he will resign as Prime Minister.

11.46 hours. Room, at 12.30 pm conference of group leaders

The House group leaders conference is called for 12:30

11.38 hours. A new group of leaders is born in the Senate

A new parliamentary group is forming in the Senate. This is the now famous component of managers. It will be made up of ten senators and will use the symbol Maie, the list of those elected abroad. Among the members at this time are: the former M5S Maurizio Buccarella, Adriano Cario (Maie), Saverio De Bonis (Maier), l’ex M5S Luigi di marzio, Ricardo Merlo (Maie) the former Fi Sandra lonardo, Maria Rosaria Rossi me Andrea Causin. The former Grillino is in negotiation Alfonso Ciampolillo. The leader of the group should be Causin. Currently, these are senators who already voted for the trust last week. And that’s why they don’t add numbers to most. The constitution is being carried out to allow the new group to participate in the consultations tomorrow.

11.19 a. M. Bettini: “Most can be increased with Conte

I firmly believe that around Prime Minister Conte, who will meet today with the President of the Republic Mattarella to follow up on the decisions announced in the Council of Ministers, we can quickly and clearly expand the majority for a republican and pro-European government. We must not waste a minute because there are so many things to do, starting with the decree of restitution to the categories hit by the crisis. And a cloying political and abstract debate should not be started again, setting in motion different hypotheses of prime ministers. or alliances that would disperse all the assets accumulated in these months and that would lead Italy to new moments of confusion and uncertainty ”. Then Goffredo Bettini, a member of the national leadership of the Democratic Party, comments with a post on Facebook the announcement of Prime Minister Conte to the Council of Ministers to resign his resignation.

10.57 hours. PS: “Renzi? No one can veto anyone”

“No one can veto anyone and in politics never say never. The crisis is a setback that worries us immensely, and we recognize that Renzi himself said that there should be no vetoes to Conte. Let’s try to make solid arguments in a short time,” he added. the Vice President of the Democratic Party Deborah Serracchiani to the TG1 special.

10.54. Pd: “Relaunch government action with Conte. Dem united”

“I believe that the Democratic Party has proven to be a party of great responsibility, the Democratic Party is united and we need to be a fixed point on a very narrow and complicated path. We need to relaunch the action of government And we said it even before this crisis that it is incomprehensible. The essential point is Conte and we must expand and relaunch the action of government“So the vice president of the Democratic Party Deborah Serracchiani in the special Tg1.

10.48 hours. Without Conte press conference

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will not hold a press conference. “It was not scheduled, it will not be called,” they confirm from their staff. However, it is not ruled out that the premier reasons his decision in a video or a statement that could be released in the next few hours.

10.46 hours. Franceschini on CDM: “Saving the prospect of a reformist alliance”

“When we left we knew that we were facing a difficult path, due to the political distances between the subjects who gave life to this government. They certainly did not expect us to face a pandemic and one of the most difficult phases in the history of the Republic. We did the best we could and we believe with many positive results, thanks to the leadership of President Conte and the support of our political forces ”, is Dario Franceschini’s speech during the Cdm in which Giuseppe Conte communicated his intention to resign”. This path – the head of the PD delegation would have emphasized – allows us today to think about this majority also in perspective, as a space of allied reformist forces not only temporarily. That is why it is essential to save this perspective even in the course of the crisis we are facing ”.

10.35 hours. Count the Quirinale at noon

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is still at Palazzo Chigi, meeting with his closest collaborators after the CDM in which he shared with the ministers the decision to resign, thanking them for these 16 months of work. The prime minister will go up to the Quirinal at noon to resign.

10.29 a. M. Applause from the ministers to Conte at the end of the CDM

The Council of Ministers closed with a “very affectionate” moment and the applause of the ministers for the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte.

10.13. No questions in the Chamber in the morning

Being the government Conte resigned, today, as foreseen in Montecitorio’s agenda, the development of the interpellations and interrogations will not take place. Soon, based on what will happen this morning at the Quirinale, a conference of group leaders should be called.

10.11. Finished the Cdm. Expected Count Quirinale

The Council of Ministers at Palazzo Chigi ended after just 40 minutes. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte shared with the ministers the desire to resign, now he is expected in the Colle.

10.03. M5s, Pd and Leu on Cdm: “Compact, go ahead with Conte”

“Support and compactness”. Thus, the heads of delegation of the majority forces, Alfonso Bonafede (M5S), Dario Franceschini (Pd) and Roberto Speranza (Leu), in the CDM where the prime minister announced his willingness to resign.

10.01. Conte: “Thanks to all the ministers”

“I thank the entire team at government, each minister, for each day of these months together. “These are the words of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at the CDM, where he communicated his desire to resign. Immediately after the Council of Ministers, the prime minister will go to the Quirinal to resign.

9.57 am. Conte communicates to the ministers the decision to resign

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte informed the ministers of the decision to go to the Quirinale to resign.

9.45 am. Casini: “Conte can wait for a new appointment”

The persistence of going to Parliament on the Bonafede report was foolish. If Conte goes to the Quirinale today with the possibility of being re-elected, it is because he was not defeated in Parliament, ”Senator Pier Ferdinando Casini told Skytg24.

9.29 am. The Council of Ministers has begun

The Council of Ministers has started at Palazzo Chigi. In the end, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will go up to Colle to resign.

9.20 h. Marattin: “Italy alive? We are compact”

“We are absolutely compact and we are arguing a lot. We are not soldiers who take orders from someone, we are arguing with articulated opinions and that is good. We have thus found a situation of unity by arguing and facing each other.” Luigi Marattin (Iv) as a guest of Speciale Tg La7 says so.

9.02 am. Count at Palazzo Chigi for the Council of Ministers

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte arrived at Palazzo Chigi for the Council of Ministers in which he will communicate with his team of government the decision to go to the Quirinale to resign.
