so the premier crashes after his resignation – Libero Quotidiano


For Conte a return with Renzi is excluded. On this, they say, the premier seems immovable. ” theAdnkronos, who took stock of the situation regarding the government crisis that tomorrow will arrive again at the Quirinale, where Sergio Mattarella will welcome the resignation Giuseppe Conte. Which obviously aims to have the re-office, but the road leading to Count ter is still full of obstacles precisely because the premier would have no intention of giving him a victory. Matteo renzi, reopening the dialogue with Italia Viva. So the tenant of Palazzo Chigi would like to take the path of the “willing” with whom to replace the Renzianos, but now it is clear that he still would not have the necessary numbers to govern. further the Democratic Party does not seem indifferent to the sirens of Iv, which so far has not garnered political victories but has confirmed that it is available for negotiations and therefore a return to the majority. Ideally, the dem would like a ‘broad’ majority, that is, in addition to the Renzianos, they also pick up some ‘responsible’, in order to remove the centrality of the scrapper, but in any case they will have to deal with him.
