Zingaretti: “Renzi has taken us to the risk of early elections. The Democratic Party does not want them and works in an authorized executive with Conte”


It was him “crisis in the dark ” open from Matteo renzi make “the country slide towards the risk of early elections.” A risk that the Democratic party wants to avoid at all costs and therefore works in a “authorized executive“. Directed by whom? Always from Giuseppe Conte. On the first day of a week that promises to be fundamental to the results of the majority, with the specter of returning to the polls more and more concrete, Nicola Zingaretti He explains what his party is working on and who is to blame for a crisis that has plunged into a delicate situation. “I suffer because I see an Italy that fights and is afraid. And on the other hand, the policy that many times is unfortunately reasoning away from life, because of the crisis. I work to find solutions, not to create problems, that is the role of the Democratic Party. the P.S has never gambled and does not want elections: We were the ones who spent the most not to make the elections, we were responsible and we continued the battle for content. It was the choice of Matteo renzi with the opening of the crisis to materialize the risk of slipping into early elections ”, says the number one of the dem to Radio Immagina, a station close to the Nazarene. “When we file a complaint crisis in the dark, I was thinking exactly in this situation. A situation, Zingarett continues, in which, precisely because there has been no patience to safeguard the government’s path, all positions are becoming rigid. It is a situation that must be overcome, but it was the beginning of the crisis that opened up what I consider a risk that, however, must be avoided in all senses, ”continues the governor of the Lazio Region.

Count the most advanced breakeven point. No one can exceed your confidence “- So how do you avoid early voting? “The Democratic Party is working to ensure an authoritarian government with a broad pro-European parliamentary base.” What translated means a new government. Led by whom? Also from the current tenant of Chigi Palace. “Solving problems does not mean hugs and kisses but interact with Conte given that not long ago it had the confidence of a broad and pro-European government ”. A concept that practically follows the appeal of the Prime Minister in Parliament last week, when he summoned the “willing” builders. “I believe – continues Ziongaretti – that the idea of ​​a government that looks to the interest of Italy, to the common good, is pro-European in character, Conte obviously being the breakeven at this more advanced time. Confidence was taken 4 days ago and I challenge anyone to show that someone else can cross that threshold.

The knot of justice – A fundamental step, which also blinds Conte from the front in his post as head of government. Problem: the executive Senate still 156 votes: last week they were enough to have the confidence of the relative majority, but so far they have not grown. Furthermore, those votes are likely to decline between Wednesday and Thursday, when the Minister of Justice, Alfondo Bonafede, will present its report on justice. Some senators who had voted to trust the majority, such as Riccardo nencini me Pier Ferdinando Casini – have already submitted their vote against. So did Italia viva, which had abstained from the government. would represent the first intermediate shaft weld Matteo renzi me Matteo Salvini, ready to turn justice into a minefield for the majority. Therefore, the undersecretary of the Democratic Party, Andrea Orlando, had asked Bonafede for “signs of opening”, that is, concessions on a fundamental issue such as the reforms approved by the Guardian of the Seal: from prescription to civil and criminal proceedings. A hypothesis to rule out, as stated yesterday by Luigi di maio: “Wednesday’s vote is a vote on the government, don’t think it’s just a vote Alfonso Bonafede of the 5 star movement“Said the chancellor, explaining that” o in the next few days there is a majorityotherwise I’m the first to say that we are slipping into the vote“The former political leader of the M5 quantified the time the executive has in 48 hours to find the votes necessary to survive in the Chamber.

“We need a new government for reforms” – Long enough for Zingaretti given that “the risk of snap elections must be avoided in every way and the Democratic Party is working to guarantee a government that must be authoritarian in a broad parliamentary base, with a legislative pact ”. But which government is the head of the Democratic Party talking about? A count ter? Supported by whom? “I am thinking of a legislative government that addresses Covid, vaccines, that closes the discussion on Recovery, raise investment, give work and address the issue of institutional reforms with the electoral reform. In short, we have before us a package of measures that are indispensable for Italy ”. And therefore a new pact of Pd, M5s and Leu that would also be extended to those responsible for Forza Italia and Italy itself alive. “But, he stresses, we have to work on it because parliamentary balance They are the ones who came out of the defeat in 2018: now we have to move on but without tears ”. Translated: said executive would not have the necessary support for the Chambers without a substantial reorganization. A reorganization so extensive that it would eventually lead to a new government. And that, of course, should also involve justice, a true majority minefield.

Bettini: “Renzi gives signals.” Patuanelli: “It is not a solution” – Shield once again the chairman of the board too Goffredo Bettini, executive dem and first bridge between Palazzo Chigi and Parliament. “I think there is no possibility of being a starter other than Conte. It must be a new government, in my opinion even more qualified, which gives the feeling of a new stage but Conte is fundamental. There is no reason to remove Conte, ”the former MEP told Omnibus on La7. Conte, he added, “has guaranteed the country, has put the country back on the slopes of Europe. He divided populism between the soft and the extremists ”. The news is that today Bettini has opened in Italy alive. “If it is a Renzi who has separated, I would say no, if it is put in the perspective of national responsibility without blackmail and harassment, we can look to a new stage. You really show you make sense, not a mistake but a little bit of the leap in the dark that it has given and you start to give a little in Parliament signal, if there are gaps in the minister’s report on justice ”. However, the truth is that the Renzians have already anticipated their intention to vote against Bonafede. “We will listen, as we always have. I’m afraid it will be difficult to vote more than no, ”Teresa Bellanova repeated today. “I believe that it is correct to control the majority and also in matters of justice, knowing however that in any case we must open a new stage, with a government with a larger majority,” he said. In any case, Bettini added, “it is not possible to withdraw from a knot that will have to be solved. If there is no justice agreement, how to think about a new government? ”. “Who the problem is cannot be the solution. It is not a personal question but one of political reliability ”, says the Minister of Economic Development. Stefano patuanelli.
