Turn, turn, you return to the starting point because those “responsible” do not come to light and the early elections would be a disaster for the country because Brussels would block the 209 billion of the Recovery Plan, while the vaccines would arrive with such difficulties as imagining campaigning them up would be suicidal.
And so, after days of threats and back and forth, the mediators of the Democratic Party – Dario Franceschini at the head – have once again spoken with Matteo Renzi to rebuild a picture that allows Giuseppe Conte to start the path towards “ter” and not “collide”, as Andrea Orlando prophesied, on Thursday at Palazzo Madama when senators will be summoned to express themselves on the report of Minister Alfonso Bonafede.
But to push Conte to reopen the dialogue with Renzi in view of a “ter” is also the M5S that does not like the count of its head of delegation and has given Conte 48 hours to bring out the “responsible “or accept more realistically that most is recomposed with Iv, perhaps widening it to the right with FI or other pieces in the center. Luigi Di Maio makes it clear that, by being interviewed in “Half an hour more”, he is not going to deny the mid-week vote to a simple parliamentary passage. “The vote on the Bonafede report is a vote on the government,” says Di Maio, who later posted a photo with the Seal Keeper on social media. But the chancellor also blocks the way to possible “political signals”, requested the day before by the dem and Conte, on an issue, that of justice or more precisely of the prescription, which the 5S consider “unavailable” because it is too much identifying. And so the ongoing attempt is to make amends with Italia Viva, which has managed in recent days to repel the assaults and threats, to reach an agreement that allows Conte to appear tomorrow at the Quirinal to resign and receive the new position also in the base of unequivocal political declarations of the leaders of the majority.
We are then following the path to open and close in a few hours a crisis that has been dragging on for weeks and that is considerably slowing down the construction of the Recovery Plan, as the Minister of Community Policies Enzo Amendola admitted yesterday in “La Stampa”. The Democrats then move on to negotiations after weeks of “never again with Renzi” and an impressive push towards the vote of the former PCI who could now find himself in government with Maria Elena Boschi again. But above all they will have to bring Conte a closed agreement on the program and the names to convince both the prime minister and the head of state of the viability of a new government.
In order not to agree with Osvaldo Napoli (FI), who considers that Conte “is not the solution but the problem” to build a new majority, the prime minister will have to become concave and convex again and accept that the reduction more than likely will will suppose. Allow him to stay at Palazzo Chigi anyway for a third government with a third and different majority. If the cadre manages to compose itself again, it will be won by that part of the Democratic Party that has always asked to go see Renzi’s papers, which officially never vetoed Conte, although for many that was the final goal of the former secretary of the Democracy Party who worked hard to keep the party and groups together. The ministers who pushed Zingaretti, secretary of the Democratic Party, to authorize an attempt that postpones the idea of ”paving” for another date the parliamentary patrol dem, always opposed to early voting, and long critical of Palazzo Chigi ”Renzi joins forces with the ombudsman. On the other hand, the crisis in the majority takes too long to hide from the markets and Brussels.
Finding a new agreement even to postpone the reckoning to better times is the least the country expects.
Last update: 01:42