“Offended racial laws cannot be canceled”


“We take note of the statements of Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia. The relationship with the House of Savoy, in history and in memory is known and dramatic.” The Jewish Community of Rome writes it in a note after the letter with Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, in view of Memorial Day, it condemned the racial laws asking for forgiveness. “What happened with the racial laws, at the height of a long collaboration with a dictatorship, is an offense for Italians, Jews and non-Jews, which cannot be erased or forgotten. The silence on these facts by the descendants of that House, that lasted more than eighty years is one more aggravating factor. The descendants of the victims do not have the power to forgive and it is not up to the Jewish institutions to rehabilitate people and events whose historical judgment is recorded in the history of our country, “he writes in a note. of the Jewish Community of Rome.

“The crimes of Vittorio Emanuele III and fascism represented an abomination, a tragic vulnus in the history of Italy and will continue to be a warning for generations. The Republican Constitution clearly reminds us: its very existence is the most eloquent sentence of that period, of the regime and its protagonists. Today, after 82 years, the descendant, great-grandson Emanuele Filiberto, affirms a feeling of repudiation and condemnation for what happened. A very long period of time. Why now? of an initiative that will be considered exclusively personal, each one responding for his own actions and with his own conscience, ”says Noemi Di Segni, president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities.

“Neither the Union of Italian Jewish Communities nor any Jewish community can in any case grant forgiveness in the name and on behalf of all Jews who were discriminated against, denounced, deported and exterminated. In Judaism, not even God can be directed. Forgiveness if those who perceive shame and guilt do not first apologize to the victim ”, he adds.

“The moral condemnation of the regime and its acts – which Emanuele Filiberto expresses verbally for the first time today – was for thousands of Jews, partisan combatants and convinced anti-fascists, a banner and a guide for the struggle for survival, for which many sacrificed their lives for their homeland. It is in memory of all of them, of the six million Jews exterminated in concentration camps, of the Italian military prisoners, of the politically persecuted, Roma and Sinti, disabled and homosexuals that any form of nostalgia because that regime must be severely confronted and restrained. It is towards the young people of our country, of Europe that unites us around the fundamental values ​​of man, that condemns him – not the request for forgiveness to rehabilitate the family – it must be attended, so that the most convinced ‘never again’ ”, Di Segni emphasizes.

“We take note of the words of consternation and regret expressed in the media in the last hours, in view of January 27 and we will see, in the coming months, years, what concrete, daily actions can consistently follow and be example to others ”, he concludes.
