For the Dda of Catanzaro, in Calabria “a diabolical union between subjects of different origins: politicians, businessmen and exponents of the police ”. According to researchers, among the politicians would be the national secretary of the UDC Lorenzo Cesa, wanted this morning as part of the “Low Profile” investigation where he is being investigated on charges of having been part of a criminal association that facilitated mafia activity. But there is also the name of the regional secretary of the UDC Francesco Talarico, the former president of the regional council and current Calabrian budget advisor, ended up instead house arrest. According to the investigation, coordinated by the Prosecutor’s Office Nicola Gratteri and substitutes Paolo Sirleo me Veronica calcagno, also revolved around them the “business committeeThat he had the task of “committing – it is written in the indictment – an indeterminate series of crimes against the public administration, in particular among other disturbances in auctions, corruption and abuse of power.”
What prosecutors define as a “diabolical union” used “existing companies and businesses dedicated to supplying materials for accident prevention, opening a branch in Albania, in addition to participating in cleaning sector, with the support of important political personalities regional and national“. Talarico and Cesa precisely, who” would have assured to intercede before public workers in service with public organizations or with directors of their own companies nationwide ”. The goal was to do expand abroad entrepreneur companies Antonio Gallo called “the little prince” and Antonino Pirrello, related to the ‘Ndrangheta. Through politics, the two businessmen would have “landed” in Albania, the State, – write the magistrates – where, thanks to the help of the Marshal D’Alessandro Ercole, it would have entered the ganglia of the public administration. “” Once – he feels in an interception – we contact Antonio, Antonio knows how to enter. “
On the occasion of 2018 political elections, the current regional councilor and secretary of Calabria of the UDC Franco Talarico, at that time a candidate for the Chamber “, offered his support for, in exchange for a substantial vote pack, to introduce Gallo and Pirrello in the national political and institutional environments ”. A support that would also have passed through the secretary of the UDC Lorenzo Cesa who, at the time Euro, according to the researchers was “participantFrom this “business committee” and “according to Francesco Talarico, he promised to support the group to meet the objectives of the associates in procurement field“On July 7, 2017, the Dia even documented a meeting It took place in Rome, at the “Tullio” restaurant, between the businessman Gallo, Cesa and Talarico. Meeting also attended by the councilor of Catanzaro Tommaso brutto and his son Javier, councilors of Catanzaro and Simeri Crichi respectively.
“Brother (Talarico, ed) .. now we have to talk to Cesa .. – says Tommaso Brutto in an interception – I have to solve my problem son and we must also put it in the plan Brother we have to maintain a party, we have to maintain a secretariat … we have to maintain … my son is unemployed, I have an inc … ”. It was the two ugly who created the scaffold of the network of relationships that reached the national secretariat of the UDC. According to the researchers, in fact, Tommaso and Saverio Brutto identified Gallo as an entrepreneurial figure capable of effectively insinuating himself in the purchasing sector: “They put him in contact with Francesco Talarico, to create an effective combination aimed at finding support at the political level and with Marshal Ercole D’Alessandro del Guardia di Finanza, to have investigative information “.
Two days later, he was at Tommaso Brutto’s house. another meeting. Cesa was absent but we talked about him: “The subject of the meeting – the prosecutors write – referred to the ‘tickets’ that would be obtained through Lorenzo Cesa and also by Pierferdinando Casini“. The last not investigated, but on that occasion Marshal D’Alessandro said he saw it: “The other day when I went to Rome, I also met with Pier Ferdinando Casini that this friend of mine that we are going to on the 12th, is practically his right hand in terms of concerns abroad … and Casini told me that I, whatever you have need, in Albania I… understand? ”. During the meeting – the researchers summarize – those present expressed their desire to obtain important orders from national organizations such as Enel, Eni, Arpacal, Calabria Verde, Tim, also thanks to the contribution of exponents of regional and national politics, including Franco Talarico, regional secretary of the UDC, and Lorenzo Cesa, national secretary of the UDC and European parliamentarian ”. And again: “In addition to the contracts with the aforementioned Bodies, the load Cesa de Cesa European Parliament attracted the attention of all those interested in investments in Albania and in any case in Eastern Europe, being able to open important channels to sell the products marketed by Gallo to foreign public bodies, hospitals, clinics, leaning precisely on his current position as MEP ”.
Not only votes, but also money. “I have to materialize … Do we only do things for others?” in fact, Talarico wonders about the aid granted to the businessman linked to the clans. “You need Francù in every way… – Tommaso Brutto reassures him – financially… Nella election campaign… he moves, it’s not as if you said he is one of those who backs down … this one is not afraid … he has no short hand, eh! He hits the spot, Franco, but do you know why? why…. (he’s generous) bravo! … It’s not dumb! ”. The conversation is fromOctober 2017. Five months later the policies would be voted on and the UDC regional secretary Talarico was already in Rome. But money is needed for the electoral campaign and the future regional budget adviser, according to the accusations, pointed to 5% of the business what Gallo would have done through Cesa: “We – he says – see what the offer is based on in the speech … we know exactly … 5% … Lorè (Cesa ed), this is 5% .. understood … now let’s see … let’s get things done … well done … and then we set it up with him! how much it gives, how much (inc) … of course there are things left … for us … for you, no … what we do … “. Feo agrees with the strategy:” We just have to see how heck we can make Cesa make him close some damn thing … do you understand? … Even that he is dating Lotito, understood! Come in! … that is, if not … if you have an important connection… ”.