WASHINGTON. On the day of the oath, the new president of the United States, Joe Biden, has already signed 17 executive orders. The first refers to the fight against Covid and imposes the obligation to wear a mask and social distancing in federal buildings and territories. Then there is, among the first, the lifting of the US entry ban for citizens of some Muslim countries (Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, as well as Venezuela and North Korea), the stop Keystone Pipeline between Canada and the US, and the end of the emergency declaration to divert funds for the wall with Mexico.
Among the measures is also to stop the process started by Trump to withdraw from the WHO, an organization defined as “essential” in the fight against the pandemic. With another measure, the reentry to the Paris agreement will begin, always reversing a Trump policy: the act will already be filed with the United Nations today and the United States will officially join it again in a month. But the most symbolically important gesture is undoubtedly the – already mentioned – of stopping the construction of the anti-migrant wall on the border with Mexico, with the immediate end of the declaration of national emergency that served as a “pretext” to finance the wall.
“There is no better time to start than today,” Biden told reporters in the Oval Office. Strained measures, he said, to keep promises made to Americans. Biden also told reporters that his predecessor, Donald Trump, wrote “a very generous letter” to him, but that “since it is private, I do not reveal the contents until I speak with him.”
Finally, January 20 was proclaimed “National Day of Unity,” inviting Americans “to come together and write the next chapter in the history of our democracy, a story of dignity and dignity, of love and reconciliation, of greatness and virtue”. “.