After examining the video from the cameras In the Palazzo Madama hall it was found that the former senator of the M5S Ciampolillo and the senator of the PSI Nencini announced their vote before the president of the Senate closed the vote. They voted 312 out of 313.
Italia Viva abstains, two from Forza Italia vote yes – “If there are no numbers, the government goes home,” said the prime minister in the afternoon of the most difficult day for his executive. Senators from Italia Viva abstained while, surprisingly, two senators from Forza Italia, Maria Rosaria Rossi and Andrea Causin, voted yes to confidence. Both were quickly expelled from the party, as announced by Vice President Antonio Tajani.

Salvini and Meloni: “We will contact Mattarella” – The reaction of the leaders of the Lega and Fratelli d’Italia, Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni, has been resolved. “We are going to go to Mattarella: there is a government that does not have a majority in the Senate and is with those who change their shirts,” says the first. With the second that continues in the same vein: “Faced with the premises and hopes of Conte and Casalino, things did not turn out as expected: I heard from dozens of executives, but net of individual cases, on the other hand there is also the center-right has kept its compactness and it wasn’t obvious. I spoke with Salvini, I will speak with Berlusconi. Now we have to ask for an interview with Colle ”.
Salvini: “Grillo said that senators for life die late” – Before the result of the vote, Salvini had aroused the protests of the majority for some of his sentences during the statements in the Chamber. “You, lawyer Conte, ask us for your trust. We do not give it to you but to the citizens. the chair that stubbornly defends by all means, and I remind senators for life who will legitimately vote for trust, the words spoken by leader M5s Grillo: ‘senators for life never die or die a little late.’ You senators for life, what courage … “.
Conte: “If there are no numbers, the government goes home” – “If there are no numbers, the government goes home,” said the Prime Minister on the afternoon of the most difficult day for his executive. Conte also renewed the appeal to those willing who have the destiny of Italy at their heart, recalling the “country project of those 29 programmatic points” presented at the beginning of the government experience and claiming “a vision and a strong ideal impulse, a clear investment of confidence ”.
“Italia Viva has chosen the path of media attack, the worst” – Then came a harsh response from the prime minister against Italia Viva and its leader Renzi: on the issues that concern the government and the program “you have opted for aggression and media attack, instead of discussing in the appropriate forums”.
“The future of our children is at risk” – “An issue touched by Senator Drago is the demographic decline: it is a very serious problem, it is one of the most severe declines in recent years,” Conte continues. “Years ago the same thing happened in Germany. If we do not intervene now in time, we run the risk of compromising the future of our children. Structured economic investments are needed, we must invest in the future and we cannot do so by creating a government crisis or trying to bring down a Government. Starting in July, among other things, the reform of the single monthly subsidy for more than 12 million children will begin, a project initiated by Minister Bonetti.
Renzi: “Politics is not the distribution of armchairs” – In the afternoon, Renzi, in turn, had once again addressed a decisive attack on the Prime Minister for the “unseemly market for armchairs”, stressing that “we need a stronger executive”. “When you are involved in politics, you can also give up an armchair, not an idea, I hope it focuses on ideas and not on the exchange of seats because the country does not deserve an indecent market. The third majority has changed in three years, he governed with Matteo Salvini, today I know that he is the benchmark of progressivism and I am happy with him, but he signed the Salvini and Quota 100 decrees, his agenda after saying that Trump’s agenda was his agenda. He cannot change his mind to keep your seat. “