Chamber, Conte’s appeal: “Help us who care about the country.” To Italia Viva: “What happened cannot be canceled.” And waives the delegation of the Services


An appeal “for those who care about the fate of Italy” and a message for Alive italy: “What happened cannot be canceled.” Giuseppe Conte was presented to the classroom of Deputies by the first vote of confidence after the tear of Matteo renzi and addressed all those forces that are “in the highest European tradition: liberal, popular, socialist“A request for help that arises from what the prime minister called” malaise “over a crisis in which” not only the citizens but myself did not find any plausible foundation, in the midst of the pandemic. ” COVID-19 and while from home he listens to us who has lost loved onesAnd so Conte closes the door to Alive italy -without ever mentioning his leader, Renzi opens up to the “willing” parliamentarians, to whom he announces two novelties: he will resign from the delegation to the secret services, a source of controversy in recent weeks; It will work for a proportional electoral law. A double movement to expand the majority after the defection of the Renzianos.

The closure to the Renzians: “Called to lose contact with reality” – “Our energies,” Conte said, “should all be, always focused on the crisis in the country. Thus, in the eyes of the citizens, they appear dissipated in controversial contributions, often sterile, completely incomprehensible. We all run the risk of losing touch with reality. Was it really necessary to open a political crisis at this stage? No, “asks the head of government rhetorically. “This crisis has resulted in a profound consternation in the country, it runs the risk of causing considerable damage and not only because it has increased the spread, but even more because it has attracted the attention of the international media and foreign ministries. And turning to Italy alive, he declared: “Let’s be honest, what happened cannot be undone“. The country” deserves a cohesive government, now we turn the page. “Regarding the reconstruction of how the government crisis developed, Conte reported:” On January 13, the resignation of the IV ministers was confirmed at a press conference. A crisis has opened that must find here his own clarification on the transparency of the confrontation and the linearity of action that have characterized my mandate. ”” Although there was a clear contribution to the improvement of the original draft “of the Recovery plan,” there was an abstention mainly motivated by the fact that what the project does not include the resources of the Month, which however has nothing to do with the Recovery Fund“.

The appeal for builders – The Prime Minister then addressed the House: “This alliance can already have a solid foundation for dialogue fueled by M5s, Pd, Leu, which is showing the solidity of its anchorage and the breadth of its breath. It would be an enrichment of this alliance to be able to acquire the political contribution of the formations that are placed in the highest European tradition: liberal, popular, socialist. But I ask for a clear and transparent support ”. And he continued: “Help us marginalize the current crisis. Dear citizens, trust must be mutual, it must be something that is nurtured in two ways. He has offered a response of great responsibility, he is showing great confidence in the institutions. I am confident that with today’s vote, even the institutions will be able to return this confidence by “repairing”the grave act of irresponsibilityWhat produced this crisis. “Let’s build a government open to all who care about the fate of Italy.” At this time “we need women and men capable of avoiding selfishness, we need people willing to uphold the dignity of politics, the noblest of the arts and to know if it is declined in the right spirit, which is the improvement of quality. life of citizens. Those who have ideas, projects and the will to become builders with us know that this is the right time.“.

The movement of services and the proposal for a proportional electoral law – It is no coincidence that the appeal to other forces was accompanied by a promise: “The government, clearly respecting the decisions of the parliamentary forces, will commit to promote proportional electoral reform, shared as far as possible, that can combine the reasons for pluralism with the need to ensure the stability of the political system ”. The challenges facing Italy require “the greatest possible cohesion, the greatest consensus in Parliament. We need a government and forces willing parliamentarians, aware of the delicacy of the tasks. Able to escape from selfishness and personal gain ”. Conte also revealed how he intends to advance in the government team and about one of Renzi’s most forceful complaints in recent weeks: the delegation to the secret services. “I want to announce to the majority forces,” he said, “that in the next few days I will ask to complete the work started by a legislative pactAnd put “in a position to strengthen the government team.” “Given the new challenges and also international commitments, I do not intend to maintain the delegation to Agriculture if it is not strictly necessary and I will also use the power of attorney to designate a delegated intelligence authority of my confidence “.

The Giallorossi government was born “on the values ​​of the Charter and with a European vocation” – The Prime Minister began by defending the birth of the Pd-M5s-Leu-Iv government and the values ​​on which the government project was developed: “At the beginning of this government experience, in 2019, it foreshadowed a clear political project for the country . I specified that the program cannot be resolved in a mere list of heterogeneous proposals or in a sterile summation of the positions of the majority forces. An alliance between formations coming from histories, experiences, cultures of different origins and that in the past had faced harshly, could only be born from two discriminators. The convinced anchoring to constitutional values and the country’s solid European vocation ”. Conte said no “From the beginning I have worked to establish the perspective of a broad and courageous reform plan” to “configure a new season of reforms” based on “sustainability, social and territorial cohesion, in the full development of the person human. And even today “there is a vision”.

“In the pandemic we work for the national community”– “In these dramatic months” of the Covid pandemic, “this majority has shown great responsibility, reaching convergence of points of view, determined action even in the most difficult moments.” “At the beginning of 2020” the government project had to “face the pandemic that has deeply shocked society and the very dynamics of our relationships. We face a momentous challenge, primordial fears are experienced, better known to generations of the past. Let us feel deeply fragile again, some deeply held certainties have been questioned. We have measured ourselves daily as never before with science and technology, with the difficulty of giving quick and effective answers. First in the West, we were forced to introduce restrictive measures on the rights of the person, operating very delicate balances of constitutional principles ”. We have cultivated a close dialogue “with all” the institutional interlocutors in the awareness that only with loyal cooperation Effective intervention strategies could have been devised. The experience of the pandemic has strengthened the awareness of dialogue in political forces loyal to the government ”.

Covid and emergency: a political discourse – And, above all, Conte defended the government’s actions: “Have we always made better decisions? Each one will express their evaluations. For my part, I can say that the government has worked with great care and attention for the delicate balances, including the constitutional ones. If I could speak for the whole government today with my head held high it’s not because of arrogance of those who believe they have not made mistakes but it is for the conscience of those who have worked with all their physical and mental energies for the national community. Some have hinted that the pandemic has had the effect of darkening, smash politics. The dialogue between politics and science has deepened, but never, like in this period, has politics been called upon to fulfill its mission, with options for the common good, some of them tragic ”. Hence, “political” options. “The decision to protect health as a priority was political, because only by protecting this primary asset can the country’s productive fabric be preserved. Every policy was the option of allocating huge resources, more than one hundred billion euros, to support workers, companies, fragile categories, with a proportionate relief. These interventions allowed us to erect the necessary protective belt, appreciated by economists like Krugman. The policy was the option to accompany the emergency measures with structural interventions. Even in the most complex moments of the emergency, we have never given up on laying the foundations for the relaunch of the country, despite the country’s structural weaknesses. “We immediately took on the challenge of transforming difficulties into opportunities.” And, he recalled, that in this sense “the single monthly allowance is part of a framework of interventions aimed at lightening the tax burden on families.” And then he announced that from “July” he will introduce “the single monthly subsidy” for families with children under 21 years of age.

With the “Recovery we have made an irreversible change in European politics” – “The policy was the determination with which the government asked the European Union”, in the sign of Europeanism, “to promote itself”, in the pandemic, “of expansive policies, with a common debt aimed at achieving shared strategies. The landmark next-generation EU deal it has given European politics an irreversible change by inaugurating a new course capable of changing the paradigms of economic policies and the very face of the EU ”.

The interventions – After Conte’s intervention he will be there a debate which will last until 3:30 p.m., when the cleaning session of the room will be suspended until 5 p.m., when the Prime Minister will retain his answer. Then there will be the explanations of vote and the vote of confidence.
