The experts of Scientific technical committee of the government, after the urgent meeting about the school this morning, reiterated to the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, to “guarantee face-to-face teaching as much as possible”, but this time it opened the possibility of “autonomous evaluation by the Regions”. A novelty in the comparison about the school of these eleven months. It is necessary to take into account “the economic situation of the different territories”.
The decision of Minister Speranza on the return to class of secondary school students (50%) and on a possible postponement of face-to-face teaching is now awaited. The opinion of the CTS, attentive to the opinions of the individual kingdoms, seems to lead to a confirmation of the current situation that foresees the reopening in four regions: Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Lazio and Molise.
High school attendance 50 to 75 percent as of January 18. Friuli Venezia Giulia against: “Here it does not open”
by Ilaria Venturi

Experts have been insisting for days on the need for severe measures to combat the epidemic and protect the vaccination campaign, while the school world is in an uproar and calls for a return to classes in the presence and end of Dad.
At the moment, he was expected to return from tomorrow, Monday, January 18, in the high school classroom, with an attendance of 50%, in Lazio, in Piedmont, Molise ed Emilia romagna (in the latter region by decision of the Regional Administrative Court). In Tuscany, Abruzzo me Aosta Valley, as indicated by the government, they had given the green light to the presence of 50% on January 11, andSouth tyrolin practice, it had been the forerunner region (with all schools) on Tuesday, January 7. Same in Trentino.
We should have returned to class in Lombardy me Sicily, but having been declared red zone regions, secondary schools will continue with distance education. Classified as a red zone by the government, like Lombardy and Sicily, the autonomous province of Bolzano has decided to continue with a minimum class presence of 50% up to a maximum of 75%.
As for the other regions, in Liguria me Umbria reopens on January 25; same date, but awaiting the official decisions of the governors, for Campania me Apulia. The high school bell will ring again, always with a maximum attendance of 50% and without new ordinances from the Presidents of the Region, only as of February 1 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Market, Sardinia, Calabria me Basilicata.