New Dpcm, here are the anti-Covid rules of January 16: travel and takeout, what changes


The new ones arrive anti-Covid rules and 9 other regions end in orange zone, While Lombardy, Sicily me Bolzano Province from Sunday they will be the first red zones 2021. The new tightening decided by the government to avoid a new lock national, as is happening in Britain me Germany. The latest changes to the Dpcm valid from January 16 – with the final signature of Giuseppe Conte me Roberto Speranza – were illustrated by the executive in the meeting with Regions, me Common and the Province, preceded by a premise from the Minister of Health: “The situation cannot be underestimated, we work together promptly to anticipate restrictions to avoid a new and strong wave” of the virus. Do not go back, therefore, with the renewal of all measures already in effect since curfew from 22 to 5 and tightening thresholds to access restricted areas, introduced with the decree approved on Wednesday: with Route 1 or with a ‘high’ risk level it turns orange, with Rt a 1.25 in red. The new school rule states that students from higher of the Yellow and Orange Regions will return to school Monday, January 18 at least 50% of the attendance, except for more restrictive regional ordinances.

Also because experts already know the data that control room: everyone indicators have gotten worse in the week just ended. With the changes introduced by the decree, only 6 regions would remain yellow: Basilicata, Campania, Sardinia, Tuscany, Molise and the province of Trento. All others end in orange, with Lombardy, Sicily me Bolzano Province in the red zone. However, if the numbers are putting Lombardy in the red, it is the president’s request that triggers the toughest restrictions in Sicily. Nello musumeci, which promises to proceed autonomously if the green light does not arrive from Rome.

Travel rules – The travel ban between regions, including yellow ones, will be in effect until February 15 and no longer on March 5, as was foreseen in a first draft of the decree. Until the beginning of March, the rule that only once a day allows a maximum two people (in addition to living with children under 14 years of age) to visit family members OR friends in the region, if it is in the yellow zone, or in the municipality if it is in the orange or red zone. And always up to the task March 5 It will be possible to move to the orange regions from municipalities with a population no greater than 5,000 inhabitants, for a distance not exceeding 30 kilometers and never towards him provincial capitals. All measurements already tested during the vacation season.

Bans: from takeout to skiing – The ban on the sale of take away food for bars from 18, strongly criticized give him Regions, but the “bars with kitchen” will be excluded and will be able to continue with the take away only for food. The measure does not affect restaurants and pizzerias who will therefore be able, as has happened so far, to continue with takeaway food until 2 in the morning and delivery without limits. The Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia has guaranteed, despite the government crisis, “highest priority” by and refreshments to all activities forced to stop. Among these is the science: the facilities will be closed untilFebruary 15. Later, the plants may be opened “only subject to the adoption of specific guidelines by the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces and validated by the Scientific Technical Committee, aimed at avoiding the aggregation of people and, in general, meetings”. Also closed gyms me swimming pool – even if work continues to allow the resumption of at least individual sports in the yellow zones, as well as cinema me theater.

Museums and the white zone – On the other hand themuseum opening, but only in the regions yellow and only in weekday, subject to last minute changes. “It is a service to the neighbors – stressed the minister Dario Franceschini – It is a first step, a sign of reopening ”for the future. Not the only one. The decree introduces the ‘white area’, where the only restrictions are the spacing and the use of mask. But the parameters to enter it: 3 consecutive weeks of incidence of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants is a Low risk – means that it will take months before a region can do so.
