Berlusconi hospitalized in Munich for a heart problem –


Silvio Berlusconi He was rushed to the hospital of the Principality of Monaco for urgent cardiology examinations. The news was confirmed by Alberto Zangrillo, personal physician to the founder of Forza Italia and former prime minister.

Zangrillo explained that he had decided to hospitalize Berlusconi for and the problem of cardiac arrhythmias. I went in person to visit Silvio Berlusconi on Monday, he told news agencies, and after seeing him after visiting him, I arranged an urgent hospitalization at the cardiology center of the Principality of Monaco because I did not consider it prudent to take care of transport to Italy.

Berlusconi was in the south of France, near Nice, at the home of his daughter Marina. According to reports from Zangrillo, Berlusconi’s health conditions worsened on Monday.

In September of last year, Berlusconi had tested positive for the Sars-CoV-2 virus and had developed symptoms of Covid-19, including bilateral pneumonia. Her children Luigi, Barbara and Marina also tested positive for the virus. Freed from hospitalization, Berlusconi had spoken of the disease as a very tough battle, had specified that he had been distressed for his children and grandchildren, and had invited the sick not to let themselves go.

Jan 14, 2021 (change Jan 14, 2021 | 15:04)

