Sicily getting closer to the red zone


The virus continues to run in Sicily, where new Covid positives are now approaching 2,000. Second among the regions with the highest number of cases, behind Lombardy. Governor Musumeci, waiting for tomorrow’s Dpcm, does not hide his concern: “We have already established ten red zones in Sicily – he recalls – but we do not exclude the possibility of declaring others, in agreement with the mayors and prevention departments.”
The alarm comes mainly from the three metropolitan cities of Palermo (where the mayor Leoluca Orlando has defined the red zone as “no longer possible”), Catania and Messina. The latter city is already on lockdown, but Mayor Cateno De Luca, who had announced new restrictions following the Musumeci ordinance, was forced to back down due to numerous protests that also resulted in threats directed at him and his people. family. People close to De Luca have made it known that the mayor is “reflecting”, without ruling out even the hypothesis of resignation.

Musumeci connects the new increase in infections on the island with the “undisciplined” behavior of many people during the holidays, but also underlines an encouraging fact: “The Sicilian community is reacting well to the vaccination campaign: we are one of the first regions of Italy. We are around 80%, we had to set aside the quota for withdrawal and meanwhile 50 thousand new doses have arrived that we believe we can use this weekend.
As for the daily report of the Ministry of Health, in Sicily there are 1,969 new positives out of 10,542 swabs processed, with a rate of 18.6%. The victims were 36 in the last 24 hours which brings the total to 2,841 deaths. The positives are 44,677 with an increase of 639 cases. There are 1,579 hospitalizations, 28 more than yesterday, of which 208 in intensive care. The healed are 1,294. The distribution in the provinces sees Catania in the lead with 557 cases, Palermo 445, Messina 380, Trapani 124, Ragusa: 33, Syracuse 218, Caltanissetta 71, Agrigento 79, Enna 62.
