On the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, the Council of Ministers approved the proposal of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), which establishes how to spend the money that will arrive in Italy from the European Union with the Next Generation Eu program, commonly called Fund recovery. The ministers Teresa Bellanova and Elena Bonetti, ministers of Italia Viva, abstained in the final vote, opening up to a possible and announced government crisis.
– Read also: Are we there, with the government crisis?
In total, the Plan will allocate funds for about 210,000 million euros. Of these, 65.7 billion are destined to projects that the government defines as “already in progress”, while the remaining 144.2 billion will finance new projects. The 210 billion also includes the Cohesion and Development Fund 2021-2027, a national fund for economic development measures, which complements the European Structural Funds.
The Plan is divided into six “missions”, which are the thematic areas in which the funds will specifically be spent. In the declaration of the Council of Ministers, the funds are divided as follows:
- digitization, innovation, competitiveness and culture: 45.1 billion euros;
- green revolution and ecological transition: 67.5 billion euros;
- infrastructure for sustainable mobility: € 32 billion;
- education and research: 26.1 billion euros;
- inclusion and cohesion: € 21.3 billion;
- health: 18 billion euros.
According to Corriere della Sera, to meet the numerous requests for changes that arose after the presentation of the first drafts of the PNRR, to the 210 billion euros planned, the government also added 13 billion React Eu for the COVID-19 emergency, 7 billion euros. European structural funds 80,000 million of resources programmed for 2021-2026, reaching a total of 310,000 million euros.
However, the additional funds, which have not been confirmed by the government, should be used to integrate projects in the six thematic areas. Again according to Messenger ServiceFor example, in the area of ”health”, which initially generated protests for only 9 billion euros allocated, it will reach a total of more than 20 billion.