
These are decisive hours for the Conte government with the council of ministers that approved the Recovery Plan without Italia Viva.
mineral 23.59 Italia Viva abstains from the Recovery Plan.
“Italia viva has announced the abstention on the text of the Recovery plan, on the table of the Council of Ministers. There would have been a discussion about the use of the Month, and a lively controversy from Iv on the funds for the family, hence the announcement of the ministers Elena Bonetti and Teresa Bellanova. “If so, then we did not vote for the plan …”, the words of the head of the delegation of Iv.
Meanwhile, Maria Elena Boschi in Porta a Porta says: “Away from the government? We will decide, tomorrow there will be a confrontation in our party and based on this confrontation and what will happen tomorrow, the ministers Bellanova and Bonetti and the undersecretary Scalfarotto will communicate our decisions regarding their permanence and less in the government ”.
mineral 22.15 The Council of Ministers on the recovery plan has just started at Palazzo Chigi. The draft has changed slightly compared to the version sent yesterday to ministers, the text has actually gone from 171 to 160 pages but there would be no substantial changes in the NRP.
pray 20.00 Tomorrow at 10 pm there will be an assembly of deputies and senators from Italia Viva. Matteo Renzi will also participate in the meeting, according to IV’s parliamentary sources.
mineral 19.09 “A government crisis in the midst of a pandemic would be incomprehensible, irresponsible and dangerous ”. The Minister of Economy said: Roberto Gualtieri during an interview with Radio Popolare di Milano.
ore 18.09 “There are many things to do for the good of Italy. The urgency is to give concrete answers for the Italian renaissance. This majority can. The main way to serve Italy is to approve the draft Recovery Plan “and immediately, as of tomorrow, at the proposal of President Conte, to approve the legislative pact to address open problems and relaunch government action.” Thus the Pd after a meeting between Nicola Zingaretti, Dario Franceschini, Andrea Orlando, Graziano Delrio and Andrea Marcucci. We confirm our opposition to the opening of a crisis that, among other things, would prevent “the launch of the soft drink.”
mineral 18.02 “It seems to be the recall of clothing, we are talking about women with extraordinary experience. Tonight we see what kind of discussion comes out and tomorrow we have a press conference and we talk about it ”. So Matteo renzi talking to reporters in the Senate. Regarding the draft of the Recovery plan, at the table of the Council of Ministers tonight, Renzi clarified: “In a month they seem to have improved the recovery plan, I have not read everything yet, I have to read it, but everyone says it has improved.”
Still: “I think Conte will replace the ministers of Italia Viva who will resign and then go to the Chambers to ask for confidence. I don’t know if he will go to the Quirinale first, however when he has new ministers he will make the parliamentary step ”.
Recovery plan, this is how the 28.49 billion will be spent on the school. Azzolina: “Historic occasion”