Juventus is accumulating several injuries and surely a question arises naturally. Couldn’t race time and cold be decisive?
Comparison with the rest of the formations of the last month of January.
Juventus, three games at 8:45 pm, tomorrow will play the fourth. Milan, three games at 8:45 p.m., Inter, without games at 8:45 p.m., Naples, without games at 8:45 p.m., Rome, 1 game at 8:45 p.m.
In short, we can say with extreme certainty without wanting to be victimized that the Bianconeri are living another strange situation for more than a season. It is known to all that competing in the races in the north at 8:45 p.m. in January is penalizing not only for the cold, but also for the fields that can freeze and present an incredible amount of obstacles, facilitating the possibility of injuries and increasing the probability that these occur.
Juventus, therefore, which will play the fourth game on Wednesday at this time and the fifth on Sunday, remains, probably in a bubble of great bad luck, obviously, a bubble that had already been seen in December with many games in that moment.
Due to physical problems, the Bianconeri had to remove Dybala and McKennie against Sassuolo, Ramsey who came out as a precaution with Milan, as well as Chiesa, not forgetting the ailments of Bonucci and the risk of Chiellini and Demiral that veterans due to injuries require extreme caution . In use.
Ultimately, nobody talks about conspiracies and we are not interested, but we cannot deny a total lack of attention towards Juventus from this point of view, especially against Inter who enjoyed more than favorable times, at least meteorologically speaking.
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