Recovery, the new draft sent to the ministers. Work, education and agriculture: the variations. Postponement of governance, Parliament will decide


The new draft of Recovery plan was sent around 9:30 p.m. to all ministers exactly 24 hours before the decision-making council of ministers Tuesday January 12. The text, whose guidelines were discussed last Friday by the same Giuseppe Conte With the heads of delegation, it is now in the hands of the majority forces who will have to study it before the final vote on the CDM. This is a critical step, especially in light of the tensions of recent weeks with Alive italy: only in the morning, after the moral persuasion of the Quirinale, Matteo renzi has made it known that he is willing to give his ahead on the floor. But this is not enough to declare archived The crisis and the next hours are once again decisive.

Confirming the sending of the new text was the Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri who, on Twitter, announced that he had delivered the document to the Prime Minister: “In more than 170 pages strategies are shown, I Projects, the resources to restart Italy. Now in the government, in the Parliament and in the country, the phase of analysis, improvement, decision is opening ”, we read. The structure and distribution of funds is largely confirmed compared to what was decided in the last confrontation last Friday, except for some variations that seem, however, to be a sign of detente towards Italia Viva. In fact, the funds for instruction (toward five hundred million also) and digitization, but also for farmingwanted by the minister Teresa Bellanova, which goes from 5.5 to 6.3 billion. The resources allocated to the policies of the job.

Another knot, yet to be resolved, concerns the governance Recovery, whose definition is postponed again: “The government, based on European guidelines for the implementation of the Plan – read the text that will arrive tomorrow at the Council of Ministers – will present Parliament a governance model that identifies responsibility implementation of the Plan, guarantees the coordination with the competent ministers at the national level and other levels of government, monitor and advance progress shopping. “This is theunique reference to the subject contained in the Plan.

171 pages times 310 billion – The text, reports the agency Ansa, has grown to exactly 171 pages. the National recovery and resilience plan it’s divided in six missions, 16 Functional components, 47 Lines of action for homogeneous and coherent projects. The document promises to spend 25,000 million euros immediately in 2021 on the identified objectives and increases resources for the two important chapters of education and digital. Ai 222.9 billion (144.2 for new interventions) provided when embarking also cohesion funds, money from 2021-26 budget planning is added. The total amounts to 310 billion. A huge mass of which the government expects a “turning point for Italy in the planning and execution of investments” for a country that pretends to be “protagonist of the European Renaissance “.

The 6 macro chapters – As anticipated on January 7, the new draft prepared by the government provides for the health sector nearly 20 billion resources: or 19.72 billion5 more than the 14.5 (including money to renovate the hospitals) that existed previously. Of these 7.9 billion they go for ‘Proximity assistance and telemedicine’ and 11.82 for ‘Innovation, research and digitization of healthcare’. If health care comes first, there are three strategic axes of the project: digitization and innovation, ecological transition and social inclusion, but there are three priorities that are transversal to many projects that the government intends to focus on: woman, me Young people, the South. The first of the six macro chapters remains that of Revolution green me ecological transition with 68.9 billion. So they wait 46.18 billion for digitization, innovation, competitiveness and culture (which “recovers” compared to the 45.86 foreseen in the previous draft), 31.98 billion they are going to infrastructure for sustainable mobility, 28.46 billions for education and research, 21.28 billion euros for inclusion and cohesion. Finally, as already mentioned, 19.72 billion for health.

Variations: digital and school – Compared to the last document that the parties discussed just a few days ago, it turns out that the resources for the education and research chapter have increased slightly (from 27.91 to 28.49 billion) and those of digitization, innovation, competitiveness and culture (from 45.86 to 46.18 billion). In particular, with regard to schools, investments in infrastructure are expected (wiring, laboratories, classrooms) and other interventions for a total of 15.4 billion. The digitization chapter also includes i 4.2 billion (of which 1.1 already allocated to existing projects) for long band, 5G and satellite monitoring. I am 1.25 the billions allocated to ‘Digital infrastructures and cyber security‘, it always reads in the draft. However, the National Cybersecurity Center that raised the laws does not appear to have been designated critics of the Renzianos, but also of Pd.

The variations: agriculture and work – They don’t change cumulative sums of the other chapters: 68.9 billion for the Green Revolution and Ecological Transition, 31.98 billion for infrastructure for sustainable mobility, 21.28 billion for inclusion and cohesion. Inside, however, there are other adjustments. Attention tofarming, for example: there is 6.3 billion (instead of 5.5) for the item “sustainable agriculture and circular economy”. Equally important for Italia Viva is also the chapter family that appears with more than 30 billion budget planning to 2026, intended to finance thesingle check starting this year. The Minister of Labor is also “satisfied”, Nunzia catalfo, commenting me 7.1 billion intended for the policies of job. On the other hand, if the resources allocated to infrastructure are considered, there are up to 28.3 billion for theHigh-speed train and road maintenance, while another 3.68 refer to intermodality and integrated logistics.

Reforms – the Pnrr, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, will be accompanied by a series of reforms to “strengthen the business environment, reduce bureaucratic burdens and remove the constraints that have held back investments.” Some interventions are mentioned below: from the reform of competition, justice, the labor market and tax authorities, in particular personal income tax. The objective is “reduction of effective rates on earned income, dependent and self-employed, particularly for low and lower-middle income taxpayers, in order to increase the employment rate, reduce undeclared work and promote the employment of women and young people ”. “The next generation of the EU is a European turning point. The National Recovery and Resilience Plan requires an Italian inflection point in the planning and execution of investments, which marks a decisive discontinuity for sustainable development, digitization and innovation, the reduction of gaps and inequalities ”. Then the government presents the Recovery Plan. Italy “intends to be the protagonist of this European Renaissance, by relaunching public and private investments and with reforms aimed at strengthening the capacity and efficiency of the institutions ”.

This year 25 billion – In 2021, the EU’s next generation resources will be used to 24.9 billion euros. It arises from one of the table contained in the draft of the Pnrr: they will be used by Recovery 18 billion (10 grants and 8 loans), from the EU React 6.3 billion, 0.3 billion from the Rural Development Fund, 0.1 from the Just Transition Fund and 0.2 from other programs. It is, it is specified, of preliminary estimates whose amounts “could vary as a result of talks ongoing “with the EU Commission.
