New Dpcm. The chairman of the board Giuseppe Conte at 5:00 p.m. today, Sunday, January 10, the heads of the majority delegation were convened in light of the new measures to combat COVID-19. Among the hypotheses that emerged is that of prohibiting the take-away of 18 exclusively in bars, in order to counteract the gatherings seen in the street in recent days. therefore, only home deliveries will be allowed. The proposal has yet to be presented to the regions at tomorrow’s summit with the Minister for Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia. We are moving towards confirming the curfew at 10pm and are considering entering the white zone. The measurements will probably be contained in a Dl and a Dpcm.
In meeting with Alfonso Bonafede (M5s), Dario Franceschini (P.S), Roberto Speranza (Leu) e Teresa Bellanova (Iv) the minister also participated Francesco Boccia and the Undersecretary of the Presidency of the Council, Riccardo Fraccaro. The new Dpcm should be operational on January 16. On the table the measures that will directly affect the movements, openings of museums and gyms.
New Dpcm, from January 10 5 regions of the orange zone: the other yellow. List of colors and sizes
Measures under study
The government is willing to add new criteria by which it enters Red zone. The proposal that aims to illustrate the regions and municipalities in tomorrow’s meeting establishes that if the weekly incidence of contagion cases of those over fifty is greater than 250 per 100,000 inhabitants, the red zone is triggered automatically. There is also another hypothesis: applying the same principle, but without distinction of age.
Who risks
In light of the latest data, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna (now both orange) are at risk. However, this criterion does not exclude the others already in force, which contemplate the maximum closings in the red band if a region is in scenario 3 and therefore with the Rt above 1.25. It integrates the evaluations made on the 21 criteria, also because it has been understood that in a region like Veneto, with many daily but constant cases, the RT runs the risk of being insignificant. Generally the idea is to lower the threshold Rt (transmission rate) that activates the locks.
White area hypothesis
We are also thinking about the establishment of a new color, green or white, which would be applied to areas that are in fact free of Covid or with a very low number of infections: 50 per 100,000 inhabitants or with the Rt of 0.5. . The institution of a fourth coloring was requested by the Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini and although for now none of the regions is in these conditions, it represents a sign of hope especially for those productive categories, cinemas and theaters, who hope to know under what incidence of the virus can start to wait again.
Last updated: 20:05