1,015 new infections and 14 deaths


Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia 892 new infections have been detected in 8,424 molecular swabs, in addition to 123 cases already positive for the antigenic swab in recent days and confirmed by molecular tests, with a positive percentage of 12%. In addition, 1,559 rapid antigenic tests were performed, in which 162 new cases (10.4%) were detected. There are 14 deaths, admissions to intensive care units drop to 62 while those of other departments are 690.


In the detail of today’s data on Covid-19 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the sector of residences for the elderly, 51 cases of positivity were detected among people housed in regional structures, while health workers found infected within of the same structures are in total 8.

Regarding the regional health system (SSR), the positivity for Covid of seven nurses, two doctors, four Oss, a technician, a rehabilitation therapist, a midwife, a veterinarian must register with the health authority of the University of Friuli Centrale ; at the Giuliano Isontina University Health Company, two nurses, two technicians, one Oss; at the West Friuli Health Authority of two nurses, a midwife and two Oss. Also noteworthy is the case of two nurses from Cro di Aviano.

Finally, a person who has returned from abroad (Czech Republic) must be positive for the virus.


The deaths totaled 1,876, with the following territorial subdivision: 475 in Trieste, 867 in Udine, 406 in Pordenone and 128 in Gorizia. Totally cured people increased to 39,723, clinically cured increased to 1,102, while isolated people were 12,138. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 55,591 cases of molecular swabs with the following territorial division: 24,331 in Udine, 11,742 in Trieste, 11,886 in Pordenone, 6,946 in Gorizia and 686 from outside the region.

denomination_regione Friuli Venezia Giulia
hospitalized_with_symptoms 690
intensive care 62
total_hospitalized 752
home_insulation 12,138
total_positive 12,890
new_positives 1,015
resigned_healed 40,825
passed away 1,876
total_cases 55,591
tampons 981,950
proven_case 353,683
Note 123 cases already positive for the antigenic swab were positive for the molecular swab and, therefore, today they are subtracted from the total of positives for the antigenic swab and are added to the increase in positives for the molecular swab

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