Recovery, alive Italy asks for the bridge over the Strait and the Month. Tension mounts between government allies


Recovery, alive Italy asks for the bridge over the Strait and the Month.  Tension mounts between government allies

Dirty tensin among the allies of government on top of Recovery plan, among the accusations of having wasted time for Alive italy and the premier’s responses Giuseppe Conte. “Iv asks to run: too much time has been lost,” emerges from the current summit. “We asked to start work in July and you woke up in December. And from December 7 you will reconvene us on December 22 – said the representatives of IV -. We have always worked, even at Christmas. Now we want the final document and we evaluate it in 24 hours. Don’t waste any more time.

First Conte answer that the Recovery plan may not be the tool to define all open questions in most: “The country cannot afford a delay in the recovery plan because this would compromise our recovery and it would be unforgivable for the citizens.”

Iv pushes the Month

The parent company of Iv in the senate Davide faraone he made his debut at the top of Palazzo Chigi criticizing the received drafts (not detailed enough) and relaunching with the petition of the Month and the Bridge over the Strait. The minister would have answered clearly Roberto Gualtieri, explaining that it was not possible to reach the top with the 130-page plan drawn up without first agreeing with the parties on the strategic lines and understanding whether or not they agreed with the changes already made by the Mef at the request of the parties: if he did, Iv would attack him for this.

Castelli: the country needs stability and planning

Government between recovery and crisis: very high tension Conte-IV

Renzi to Conte: «Deadlock for 6 months, make up your mind»

“We have been waiting for this recovery plan for six months: I tell the government to make a decision.” Thus, the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo renzi at Tonight Italy on Rete4. Is it true that Conte offered you the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Economy? “No”. Then Matteo Renzi responds to Stasera Italia. And he adds: “It is not a question of places, we leave you the seats.”

«I have always been in favor of the bridge over the strait but it cannot be in the Recovery: the questions are health care me school»Matteo Renzi says.

Document with 62 points

Italia viva does not bring a new document to the government summit at Palazzo Chigi on the Recovery plan, but it comes to the table with the text presented to the Ministry of Economy on December 30 and consisting of 62 observations on the previous draft of the plan. Renzians are also asking for more details on the updated plan, after receiving a summary document and table yesterday.

Buffagni: M5S ready to receive good proposals

“Recovery is an opportunity that the country cannot lose or put at risk for the palace games. We have always said that ideas count for M5S, as long as they are good; That is why we have no problem accepting the good proposals of those who in 2016 had to withdraw from politics. The 5 Star Movement is there for Italy, we are not afraid and we work intensely without stopping. You cannot win with those who never give up; Also tell your Verdini friends! We are at the service of Italians! ». Thus, in a post on Facebook from the Vice Minister of Economic Development, Stefano Buffagni who adds: «To think of the good of Italy and of our fellow citizens is to put aside selfishness, personalism and work to give answers to a country that is going through the most difficult moment in the history of our Republic, both in terms of health and health. economic. If there is a debate on topics, ideas, projects, the 5 Star Movement is always together with President Conte. We are the first force in parliament, we must assert ourselves more, if something needs improvement we must not be afraid, but the priority is not the places and the defense of them, but to give answers to the families, companies, workers from the parties . VAT suffering at this time ». For Buffagni it is also necessary “to give answers to the productive North, where poverty is increasing due to Covid, which can and should be the engine of restart from Lombardy, massacred by the Pandemic and the disasters caused by Gallera and La Lega” .

🇮🇹 ❤️ To think of the good of Italy and of our fellow citizens is to put aside selfishness, personalism and work …

Posted by Stefano Buffagni on Friday, January 8, 2021

Closest government crisis

The risk of one crisis that everything flies “is real, concrete”: the “wear” is such that you run the risk of not patching yourself up and falling towards elections that would be “a mistake”. The alarm starts from the Nazareno, where Nicola Zingaretti gathers management P.S. But it resonates with most. After all Teresa Bellanova, by Ivsays on television that the government “is at the end of the line.” We can still start over. But the gap is getting narrower.

Zingaretti and Luigi Di Maio of the M5 ask the Prime Minister speed up a new legislative pact. Giuseppe Conte part of the Recovery plan and convened in Palazzo Chigi a summit extended to the representatives of the parties: eighteen people at the table, to try to bring the text to cabinet avoiding the resignation of the Italian delegation alive. But for the Renzianos, the government of Conte 2 is already finished: they ask that the recomposition go through an act of caesura such as the resignation of the prime minister. Otherwise, another government will be born: “We will not go to the vote, Conte is not indispensable,” he says. Ettore Rosato.

The feeling of the allies is that the Renzianos keep throwing the ball into the stands, constantly raising the stakes. But the recount in Parliament seems closer and closer. The president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella Silently watch the game, all in the hands of the majority parties. But from the Quirinale one can only observe with special concern a crisis that is staged while in the country the contagion data is increasing again.

Zingaretti, supported by the entire party, calls on the allies to stop, in the name of “responsibility.” Without ultimatums or barricades – is the message to Renzi – at a very delicate moment for the country. The call to Conte is once again to “accelerate” and decide on the recovery, taking the plan to the CDM. It would be a “failure” to open the doors to the right, “nothing good” could come out of a technical or “transversal” government. But even the elections – says the secretary in a passage much appreciated by the Democratic minority – are a risk rather than a wish. The crisis bites: “Social humus is flammable.”

The top of Palazzo Chigi

The top of Palazzo Chigi is fraught with tension. For Iv there is Teresa Bellanova, Maria Elena Boschi, Davide faraone: in front of the prime minister and the minister of economy Roberto Gualtieri, which illustrate the updated version of the plan, incorporating the observations of the parties. P.S, M5S me Leu they speak of “progress”. For the Renzians, he doesn’t see any. They don’t bring the new document to the table that Matteo renzi had announced, but the proposals and comments of the «Ciao».

Faraone was the first to speak asking about the Month and the Bridge over the Strait, asking for more details about the plan. Gualtieri answers clearly: if we had given you the complete plan before agreeing on the synthesis lines, you would have complained. But the renzianos increase (Boschi with a more diplomatic tone): «Little money for agriculture and nothing for the Family Law. If you take money from our ministers, you won’t want to talk. To provoke “.

The suspect, they clearly say Federico Fornaro me Loredana De Petris of Leu, is that Renzi is looking for a “pretext” to break: “The Me Is not in the Recovery, point. And he does not have the votes in Parliament ”, they say, rejecting the request of the former prime minister to ask for the 36 billion in loans. The Renzians respond that, in reality, Conte “is engaged in the search for leaders in Parliament, but has not yet found them.”

The feeling of the Pd and M5 is that Renzi wants a general understanding before letting Recovery go to the CDM. The government’s intention is for the Council of Ministers to be there next week, in the first days or in the middle of the week. Meanwhile, we will try to find another way out. But without an agreement, IV ministers could resign to the CDM, with a note or a tweet, without sitting at the table. The reorganization is an offer on the table.

Circulates the hypothesis of an undersecretary to the presidency of the Council of the Democratic Party and also that of a new Minister in Recovery. For Iv there would be the defense of Ettore Rosato and perhaps another ministry. The delegation to the Services would pass to a trusted man by the prime minister. But for now the stalemate is not unblocked. There are those who bet that a true negotiation close to the CDM can be opened, perhaps in the hours immediately after the resignation of the ministers IV. But the majority is preparing to tell, a scenario the Democratic Party does not like because even if the “responsible” people rise and split, the new majority could be even more fragile.

Last updated: 21:39

