
«Vaccine from February to the 80s, then Prof – says the Emergency Commissioner, Domenico Arcuri during the weekly epidemic management report. Ready to distribute quick tests in schoolsCommissioner Arcuri then recites the vaccination plan schedule: “The plan specifies the categories in chronological order: first doctors, nurses and staff working in hospitals and RSA guests (1 million and 800 thousand people). It continues next February with people over 80 years of age, then with operators of essential public services, teaching and non-teaching staff so that schools can function safely, police, fragile and prisoners.
Covid Italy, Emilia Romagna and Veneto alert: positivity rate above 20%
Covid, discovered in Puglia, variant never detected in Italy
Rapid tests in schools
“We have a sufficient supply of rapid tests and if they tell us that it is necessary to use them en masse in schools, we will send them quickly,” says Commissioner Arcuri.
“Almost a million doses”
Almost one million doses distributed, 340 thousand of which have already been administered, next week the arrival of the vials of Modern and from February, therefore, it is the turn of the over 80s and teachers. “We are the first in Europe”, repeats the Commissioner Domenico Arcuri (according to the latest statistics preceded only by Denmark as a percentage of the number of inhabitants), dismissing the controversy over the sudden departure of the vaccination campaign in recent days and claiming the level of “preparation” of Italy against other nations.
After approval ofAifa, the new doses of the modern giant are ready to be distributed by the military, as well as from January 20 the first 1,500 health workers selected (out of 24 thousand candidates) by the special call to help the 3,800 will go out into the field. doctors and nurses already involved in the administration. And in the next phase it will also be the turn of general practitioners, pediatricians and pharmacists.
In February, therefore, after the staff of the hospitals and the guests of the RSA, teachers, people over 80, the disabled and their assistants, operators of essential public services, teaching staff and non-teachers “so that the schools can function safely ‘, law enforcement, frail and prisoners. “We work so that in autumn all Italians who want it are vaccinated, we encourage them all, but the vaccines have to arrive, we do not produce them”, insists Arcuri, clarifying: “Immunity is reached around ‘80% and there are 48 millions of compatriots ».
If a request comes from several experts and some governors, such as Alberto Cirio from Piedmont, to anticipate vaccines for teachers, the Commissioner does not rule out that such a measure could be taken by Parliament, with an amendment to the Plan approved last month of December. “But I do not enter the bottom – explains Arcuri -. For me the goal is to get the maximum number of Italians to use the doses ».
The regions
Among the regions, in the ranking by number of administrations according to available doses, Veneto stands out. “Today we finished them all,” announces the president of Veneto, Luca Zaia with pride. In a few days, no later than next week, the first phase of anti-Covid vaccinations will be closed for almost all the elderly guests of the structures of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio in Milan, the social welfare residences at the center of the investigation of the Serie. deaths in the first phase of the pandemic. Virologist Roberto Burioni also made his announcement on twitter: “Being able to vaccinate on January 7, 2021 with a safe and effective vaccine against a virus isolated on January 10, 2020 has a precise name: miracle.”

Last updated: 21:09