Covid-19, schools closed in Palermo until January 9: the measure can be extended. ORDER



Temporary closure of school complexes of all levels in Palermo for January 8 and 9. This was decided by the mayor, Leoluca Orlando, with an order signed recently.

The ordinance also applies to kindergartens and day care centers. “Meanwhile – we read – that the provisions of the national and regional government are issued” and can be extended “In case of persistence of the emergency situation”.

“Necessary – declares Orlando – Adopt any useful measure that serves to limit travel needs and the risk of social gatherings and as mayor I have just signed what is currently possible for me to adopt. We are waiting for clear and unambiguous indications. how to deal with this new wave. A new wave that is the consequence of, unfortunately, often superficial behaviors of the last weeks; behaviors that must be avoided and, as far as possible, prevented and counteracted so that this nightmare that caused too much pain, too much suffering, can end as soon as possible ”.


