Italy is approaching the altitude 180 thousand people vaccinated with the first dose of the drug anti-Covid manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech: Monday, January 4 more than 60 thousand doses, a quota close to the daily rate necessary to consume all vials currently available for our country, set at around 65 thousand vaccines every 24 hours. In fact, Italy receives approximately every week 470 thousand doses Pfizer-BioNTech Drug: After the first 9,750, another 469,950 were delivered between December 30 and January 1. Pending the new cargo, which arrives in the next few days, they have been managed to date 178,939 (last updated at 2am on January 5), equal to 37.3% of those available. Yesterday at the same time there were 118 thousand.
Amount to 108,132 women who have undergone vaccination are instead 70,807 the men. Among the Regions, the Lazio with 29 thousand antidote inoculations of the 45,805 doses administered (il 63.3%). The Lombardy amounts to 11.4%: after the controversy over thestart flop of the region most affected by Covid, the Councilor for Health Giulio Gallera had assured that as of Monday, January 4, 6 thousand vaccines per day. That’s right: Lombardy has administered in the last 24 hours 6,491 doses, going from only 3,126 to 9,167 people vaccinate.
The Province of Trento remains at the top in terms of the ratio between doses administered and delivered (67.7%), but in addition to Lazio also Tuscany me Veneto they consumed more than half of the first available charge. Who instead is currently late, both in absolute vaccines and in percentage, are above all Sardinia (965, 7.5%), Calabria (701, 5.4%) and Molise (50, 1.7%) at the bottom.
Compared to the other countries of theEuropean Union, where the vaccination campaign began in the same way on December 27, Italy remains at the second place for administered doses, only behind Germany. The data provided by Our world in data (updated with a few hours of to delay, ed) say that on the morning of January 5, Berlin carried out 265 thousand vaccinations In the relationship between administered doses and the total population, the EU stands out Denmark (0.81%), followed by Germany and always Italy.