Adani’s words about Gasperini
Speaking on BoboTV Live on Twitch, Lele Adani talked like this about Gasperini and his experience at Inter:
Isn’t Gasperini a great team? He has never been on a great team. It was 20 days at Inter, that’s enough. Now football has changed when he trained her for 20 days. It cannot be said that he had the proof of the great team. I don’t forget the press rooms, I don’t forget the beginnings in the Champions League, I was in Madrid and there were those who made fun of him because. You couldn’t play 3, now everyone plays 3, in fact now they play 3 and sometimes 4. We in Italy are behind now, think about how far it was 10 years ago. How does Forlán play on the left? Now I see Cancelo playing as a midfielder, Gasperini was ahead, we have to wait for him. When you are biased, you are not ready to learn. He has been treated with a lack of respect that has no equal, yet he carries it behind this label. Gasperini brought up a concept of football. If a coach leaves after 20 days, everyone has lost. Benítez was also criticized at Inter for winning a Champions League, people never do well. Oh, Gasperini did better than Conte. “