New Covid decree, the measures until January 15


New Covid decree, the measures until January 15

Stop moving between regions, orange zone on January 9 and 10 with bars and restaurants closed. It is the framework of the new Covid decree that the Council of Ministers approved, with the new measures that will come into force from the day they are published in the Official Gazette, so probably from tomorrow, until January 15, Except for the reopening of schools. middle and high schools. In fact, back to school is postponed until January 11. The decision was made after a long mediation carried out by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte between Pd on the one hand and M5S and Italia Viva on the other.

So stop moving between Regions until January 15, while the weekend of January 9 and 10 will see the whole of Italy in the orange zone, with bars and restaurants closed. The measure also provides for the tightening of the thresholds to activate more restrictive measures, decreeing new orange or red zones.

In detail, the text provides:

– for the period included between 7 and 15 January 2021, the prohibition, throughout the national territory, to move between different regions or autonomous provinces, except for proven labor needs, situations of need or health reasons. In any case, it is possible to return to one’s residence, domicile or domicile, except for trips to second residences located in another region or autonomous province;

– in January 9-10, 2021, the application, throughout the national territory, of the measures provided for the so-called “orange zone” (article 2 of the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of December 3, 2020). In any case, trips from municipalities with a population of up to 5,000 inhabitants, within 30 kilometers of their borders, will be allowed on the same days, with the exception of trips to provincial capitals.

– The text confirms until January 15, in the territories included in the so-called ‘red zone’, the possibility, already provided for by the decree-law of December 18, 2020, n. 172, to move, once a day, in a maximum of two people, to a single private home in their region. Children under 14 years of age (or other children under 14 over whom the same people exercise parental authority) and disabled or non-self-sufficient people who live with these people can accompany the person or two people who move.

– The application of the other measures provided for by the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of December 3, 2020 and subsequent ordinances remains valid for the entire period between January 7 and 15, 2021.

– In addition, the text reviews the criteria for identifying the risk scenarios from which the measures envisaged for the “orange” and “red” areas will be applied.

– The text also intervenes in the organization of teaching activities in secondary education institutions, with the anticipation of the resumption of face-to-face activity, for 50 percent of students, starting next January 11.

– Finally, for the implementation of the vaccine administration plan against the contagion of COVID-19, (article 1, paragraph 457, of the law December 30, 2020, n.178), specific procedures are foreseen for the expression of consent the administration of treatment, for guests of healthcare residences (or other similar structures), who do not have a tutor, curator or support administrator and who are not in a position to express free and informed consent for the administration of the vaccine.

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