High school students will not return to class on January 7, not even 50 percent. The government after a chaotic day and a very hard confrontation in the council of ministers has decided that it will start again on the 11. Only the regions that in the tracking of Friday the 8 should be in red, according to the new Rt index rules approved yesterday, will not reopen high schools. But at the moment no Region is approaching that threshold, which would force the students to continue with Dad.
The clash with the Democratic Party
After the Regions announced their ordinances with no particular order not to reopen on January 7, the head of delegation of the Democratic Party, Dario Franceschini, raised the question of the postponement and asked Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to postpone at least 15 January the resumption of activity in the presence of secondary schools in view of the risks of increased infections and the arrival of the third wave of the virus. The reaction of the Renzian ministers Teresa Bellanova and Elena Bonetti who spoke of an unacceptable postponement, occupying the position of Minister Lucía Azzolina, who in the afternoon had launched the anathema against the rebel regions, calling them to reflect on the consequences of their decisions of postponing students and families, and of Prime Minister Conte, who only reiterated on Sunday afternoon that we had to start over on the 7th.
But reopening on Thursday after the regions had already moved their calendar seemed impossible: the government would be alone. For this reason, the idea of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and the Minister of the Regions Francesco Boccia was that of a mini-postponement from 7 to 11, the day on which the new thresholds to determine risk areas come into force. And in the end it was imposed as a mediation, an attempt to bring order and guide the decisions of the governors. Now we need to understand how many will comply and how many will confirm their ordinances that keep high schools closed even through February.
The escape ahead
Until the end, the day of uncertainty and confusion ran the risk of not giving answers to families, teachers or principals who hope to understand how to reorganize their lessons and their lives. There is the irritation of the prefects at the decisions of the governors, who have contradicted their proposals. The unions speak of improvised government decisions and ask to be summoned. Not to mention the growing number of petitions and protests in schools. And there is no shortage of clashes with the center-right regions, led by Luca Zaia, who have once again conditioned the government elections to the school with their flight forward.
January 5, 2021 (change January 5, 2021 | 02:08)