
Basic income, lto the financial police of Rovigo denounced 23 Romanians for having illegally received the subsidy. The control, carried out with the support of theInps, He left after a few days ago some people had presented themselves at the Santa María Maddalena post office asking for the activation of their card and therefore the collection of the sums that they claimed to be entitled as recipients of citizenship income.
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The suspects
Suspecting some documents presented, the post office staff has alerted Occhiobello’s financiers. In fact, the applicants had submitted their applications online on the INPS portal to obtain the Citizenship Income, after which, having received an INPS Pin, they could go to the post offices in charge and then receive the cards electronic prepaid related to the benefit and collect. the balance.
The financiers then discovered that all the suspects had requested the issuance of the tax code a few months earlier in some cities in Lombardy, where they would have been found residing. Instead, the investigations made it possible to highlight that none of them had the right to Citizenship Income because they lacked the requirement of residence in the national territory for at least 10 years of which the last 2 continued.
Locked card
Therefore, the process of issuing 23 electronic cards was blocked and the balance of 3 of them was seized for a total of 2,500 euros. The INPS was also informed of the situation of the 23 suspects to interrupt the disbursement and recovery of the amount paid.

Last updated: 09:04