
They must respond, in competition, for the theft against the motorcyclist, but also for the receipt of goods stolen by one of the scooters that they used for the raid, which turned out to have been stolen the day before: the Juvenile Court issued the Decree of arrest of 2 of the 6 presumed responsible for the attack on Gianni Lanciano, the 50-year-old surrounded by a very young band on the night of January 1 to 2 in Calata Capodichino, in the center of Naples. The two reportedly surrendered to the police after the video was broadcast, having recognized each other in those images, but they have provided contradictory versions. For two others, the similar provision would be ready and pending signature, while for the last two, adults, no restrictive measures have been issued for the moment.
Among the six suspects, all residents between the Neapolitan districts of Miano and Secondigliano, there are children of criminals who also hold high positions in the Di Lauro clan, hegemon in the Rione dei Fiori, the so-called Third World of Secondigliano, an area where some of young people identified during the investigation. The two recipients of the provision, signed by the prosecutor of the Juvenile Prosecutor Nicola Ciccarelli, are both 16 years old; the arrest was issued because investigators believe there is a risk of leakage.
This morning the investigators also brought the other 4 young people who are believed to be involved in the raid, two are minors and the other two are slightly older than 18 years. According to the reconstruction, the six, whose individual responsibilities are still attributed, they threatened the cyclist with a knife and a gun, as well as beat him to steal the scooter. The agents of the Secondigliano police station and those of the Flying Brigade identified the two scooters used: one was the product of the robbery, the other was in the name of a convicted of robbery. The two of sixteen they would have surrendered to the police after recognizing themselves in the video but they would have provided contradictory versions; one would have admitted his responsibility for the undeniable facts, which are also seen in the video, while the other would have claimed not to know the others in the group, a version that is considered not very credible. They were locked up in the First Reception Center in Aminei Hills.
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