Covid-19, new decree: the PD for the postponement after January 15, but Azzolina does not give up. It’s a fight for school [BOZZA PDF]



A Council of Ministers is expected in the evening in view of a new decree on restrictions to be adopted after January 7.

The new decree, in force until the 15th, should provide for a ‘reinforced’ yellow zone from Monday to Friday, with the prohibition of moving between regions and the confirmation of the possibility of moving to another home for up to 2 people, and an orange zone . during the weekend.

The text also foresees the reduction of the RT threshold that activates the positioning in the different bands: Rt from 1 to 1.25 orange; from 1.25 to 1.50 red.

New decree, without indication for the school.

At the moment in the referred draft School horizon it has come into possession, there is no talk of school. Despite the doubts raised by unions, rectors and some governors, Conte insists on a 50% refund for the institutes, after the Christmas holidays, but the Regions are divided and as we have been counting since the afternoon they are being decided without any order in particular. The local authorities, in fact, are gradually deliberating choosing different dates for the reopening.


Here is the page that compiles all the regional resolutions

Reopening of schools, divided regions: all dates. The page is being updated

According to the filter, the head of the Democratic Party delegation, Dario Franceschini, supported by the most ‘rigorous’ area of ​​the government, would be in favor of postponing the reopening of high schools and high schools, moving the return to the desks until after 15 January.

M5S and Minister Lucía Azzolina firmly oppose a postponement, stopped at the return line in classrooms starting on January 7. Very critical also the ministers of Italia Viva, who spoke of “an unacceptable chaos” in the school chapter, “a sign of a failure of the reopening process and the return to school”.

Meanwhile, in Rete 4, a hard attack from Matteo Renzi: “The uncertainty about the reopening of schools is unacceptable, it will be that I have children who go to school and a teacher wife, but this is January 4 and it seems absurd that my children still do not know if they are going to school or not, I It seems absurd that it is January 4 and we still don’t know it ”.

