We had said it: the High schools reopen on January 7 it is far from safe. Many Regions do not agree with the date identified by the Government because they believe that the health situation does not allow a safe return in the classroom.
And it is newsflash that there are Regions that have chosen to go to the facts against the government’s decision to reopen secondary schools, although with 50% face-to-face teaching, since Thursday.
We refer to Veneto and to Friuli Venezia Giulia, which could serve as a model for everyone else Opposing regions the reopening of the institutes immediately after the Epiphany.

Veneto closes secondary schools for the entire month of January
the Veneto It is the Region that worries the most on the Covid front: in the last 24 hours the growth of infections has slowed, although it does not stop, reaching 1,686 units (compared to 50 deaths).
“Citizens respected restrictions“Emphasizes Governor Luca Zaia,”but these were not enough to stop the spread of the virus“Strong measures are needed and that is why Zaia announced to the journalists present at today’s press conference that he has signed an order which establishes that secondary schools should continue in distance education at least until January 31, 2021, We’ll see.
At the moment, given the epidemiological situation in Italy, Zaia does not think it is “prudent“Reopen schools. For this reason, the Veneto Region has decided go against the will of the government that, as Giuseppe Conte reiterated on Sunday, January 3, he intends to reopen all schools from the first day of the resumption of lessons, that is, from Thursday January 7.
Therefore, at least in Veneto, high school students will have to stay one more month away from schools. And in the meantime the front of those who oppose the reopening of secondary schools from January 7 is growing, with the possibility that many other Regions may take the example of Veneto by deciding independently on this matter.
Friuli Venezia Giulia also closes schools until January 31
Same line adopted by Friuli Venezia Giulia, as announced at this time by the regional councilor for education, Alessia Rosolen.
This explains what a “choice of responsibility that exceeds the consent of those who wanted a speedy and extensive return to school“(Clear reference to Minister Azzolina); a decision made solely by protect the health of students and all school personnel, because although the importance of face-to-face lessons cannot be overlooked, it is essential to guarantee “a health condition”To all who are part of this system. A condition that, however, the current state of the pandemic cannot guarantee.
Will other regions follow suit?
The governor of Emilia Romagna, as well as the president of the Conference of the Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, asked the Government for a new meeting to discuss the return to classes on January 7; Conte and Azzolina, however, seem to be determined on their position and that is why many Regions are deciding independently.
And after Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, the next to communicate a postponement of back to school could be the Marche region; but also pay attention to Campania me Lazio, provided that in the meantime a national decision does not arrive to avoid a reopening “Irregular”.
On the other hand, as Fabio Ciciliano, secretary of the CTS, explains in these hours, it is not as important to open schools as “.try to keep them open“. Reopen them for a few days and then close them again.”it is something the country cannot afford as it would be the proven testimony that infections are on the rise again”.