Red zone, Italy turned orange on the weekend of January 9-10. Decree that comes, cdm at night


Red zone, Italy turned orange on the weekend of January 9-10.  Decree that comes, cdm at night

A new government summit is scheduled for the same day in view of the new provision on the restrictions to be adopted. after january 7. We are moving towards an ad hoc decree accompanied by the ordinance of the Ministry of Health to establish the new restrictive measures for the days following the Epiphany. A Council of Ministers is known to be scheduled for this afternoon: the convocation could be at 21.

To the orange zone for the weekend

«Let’s evaluate the hypothesis for the following Weekend apply red zone measures for vacations and pre-vacations, with the protection of smaller municipalities for travel ». So yesterday the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, which at the end of the summit with the Regions had immediately focused on very strict rules and had spoken of the red zone, in fact. The shock would be precisely on the colors, a symbol of more or less mitigated measures, to be applied.

Most likely they are breaking news, instead we will go to the orange zone on the weekend. Then, the measure will be accompanied by an order from Minister Speranza. The hypothesis of the red zone for January 9 and 10 is taking shape.

Covid, the color system changes: more difficult parameters come

The truth is that the government wants to change the criteria for coloring the regions. “We are having the technicians do an in-depth analysis to lower Rt thresholds to enter the red or orange zone. This measure affects the zoning model, ”Speranza reiterated yesterday.

January the 8th The data on the epidemiological follow-up of the ISS will be released and, in any case, several regions will have a new regime based on the assigned color.

Red and orange zone, six regions towards the close. But the “virtuosos” of the white band

The importance of reaction times

«In the third wave we have to worry not only about the number of infections, but also about the speed of their recovery.Said the minister Francesco Boccia to the Messenger. «The different variants from the English require a modification of the reaction times. A few days are enough to explode a very delicate balance. Some areas of the country must prepare to maintain traffic restrictions, it is an inevitable fact, although it is not welcomed by everyone, starting with the government.

Last updated: 17:06

