“Stay home and save the NHS.” British Prime Minister Boris johnson, speaking to The Nation on live television, announced the third national closure For him UK. A necessary squeeze to face the exponential increase in Covid cases registered throughout the Kingdom, with 58mila contagion only in the last 24 hours and therefore “contain the new variant of the virus. “The Downing Street chief, in fact, has defined the so-called” alarming ” English mutation, more contagious “from 50% to 70%” than the previous strain and spoke of an increase in hospital admissions by 40% higher than in the first wave of April. Among the measures planned for England – by far the UK’s most populous territory, with over 55 million inhabitants out of a total of 66.5 million – not only is non-essential shops closed and unnecessary travel stopped, but also all schools in England from tomorrow, both elementary and secondary, with the transition to distance education in the coming weeks.
Meanwhile, Johnson clarified, the objective of the institutions is to strengthen the vaccination coverage of the population thanks also to the drug produced by AstraZeneca. Starting in mid-February, “if things go well,” the government hopes to have administered the first dose of the vaccine to all citizens belonging to the four priority categories. “Now more than ever,” Johnson emphasized, it is critical to follow the rules, which will become law in the early hours of Wednesday. And the same will happen in Scotland, dove Nicola sturgeon she said she was “more worried than in March.” In fact, the prime minister has announced a similar provision valid for at least “3-4 weeks.”
Restrictions in the UK – The measures announced by Johnson on live television are intended to contain the spread of infections mainly fed by the newly identified variants of the fast-spreading virus, pending the vaccination campaigns it can produce the desired broad-spectrum immune effects. In fact it is a third emergency shutdown general after that of last spring and that of a month imposed in England from November to December 2. But with the addition of a total closure of the schools elementary me secondary – Up to the middle February, according to Financial times – unreleased in the Kingdom in recent months and restoration of lessons done only remotely via computer. An election, the latter, now openly urged on the Tory government by the leader of the Labor opposition, Keir starmer. “Action must be taken now“To prevent hospitals from succumbing to ‘overcrowding’, the conservative leader insisted, inviting the country to unity and highlighting that he shared the strategy of a closure with the local governments of the minor nations of the Kingdom – Scotland, Welsh me North Ireland – in the context of similar restrictive measures. Therefore, the population is invited to “Stay at home, except for limited reasons allowed by law, how to do it essential purchases, to go to work for those who absolutely cannot work from home, exercise, seek medical assistance or undergo Covid testing, escape domestic abuse“. The vote of British Parliament on the new national general closure in England is planned for Wednesday 6th January.
Schools and vaccinations – This is the end of the traditional British Christmas holidays. Meanwhile, the vaccination campaign is advancing rapidly and Johnson He said he was confident in the possibility of resolving current producer limits on the immediate amount of dose supply. In total the Kingdom so far it has secured the stock of approximately 360 million doses of 7 different candidate vaccines: including 100 million Oxford / AstraZeneca serum and 40 million BioNTech / Pfizer. “We are in final stage of the battleAgainst the pandemic, he continued, evoking steps forward “with each dose that is injected into our arms.” But for this very reason, to avoid feeling overwhelmed before vaccines take effect on immunological coverage of the population, the current “crucial moment” must be approached with stricter restrictions, he insisted.
Labor support – A line also shared by the opposition Work. “The situation in which we find ourselves is obviously very serious, the data is very clear and these measures are necessary, unfortunately, that is why we support the package of measures that the prime minister has just illustrated,” declared the party leader. Keir starmer. Regardless of political differences, he added, this is the time “to come together to make things work out in the coming weeks and months.”
Schools in Scotland – The closure until February 1 implies two additional weeks of distance education for most of students. the government Scottish in fact, he had extended the Christmas holidays until January 11 and distance learning would continue until January 18. Instead, schools will remain open to the children of essential sector workers who cannot work from home.
Concerns about the South African variant – Some British specialists cited today by the television channel are perplexed by the operation of the vaccine on this mutation Itv and also Matt hancock, the Health Minister said he was “incredibly concerned” about this strain. The reasons for this specific alarm, depending on Itv, are probably linked to the fact that “scientific consultants, while confident in the efficacy of vaccines” on the so-called ‘English variant’ of the coronavirus, which in the Kingdom has also contributed to a recent spike in infections, do not they are so “Compared to the South African strain (already present on the island and last detected). Professor John bell, a doctor at the University of Oxford, expressly evokes at this moment “a great question” in this regard.