The Council of Ministers has been summoned for this afternoon to adopt the new anti-Covid measures that will come into effect from January 6 until the 15th. The CDM will approve a decree with the new restrictions on the movement of people . A yellow zone ‘reinforced’ on weekdays, with the prohibition of travel between regions and the confirmation of the rule that provides for the possibility of moving to another house in the region for up to two people, and an orange zone on weekends.
“From January 7 to 15, 2021, any movement in and out between the territories of different regions or autonomous provinces is prohibited, within the national territory, except movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons. However, it is allowed to return to one’s own residence, domicile or domicile, with the exclusion of trips to second residences located in another region or autonomous province “.
This is the focus of the new decree. The text also foresees the lowering of the RT threshold that triggers the positioning in the different bands and that will be in force as of Monday 11: with Rt at 1 it will go to the orange zone and with RT at 1.25 in the red zone. Then, the measure will be accompanied by an ordinance from the Ministry of Health.
Boccia: “Threshold Adjustment”
The Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, in Life Live on Rai 1confirmed “the tightening of the thresholds.” “The interventions carried out at Christmas, he explained,” prevented the free ones from all being in Italy. “The revision of the Rt threshold (with 1 in the orange zone and with 1.25 in the red zone, ed) “It was shared by all the Regions,” declared the minister, “because we all share the need to immediately implement the most restrictive measures when it exceeds 1”. “The certainty is that the areas do not change -boccia underlined- they remain orange, yellow and red. Until January 15 there are these measures. All evaluations, including this one of the white areas, are on the table, the perspective should be that but surely not tonight. We would all like to get back on target, we will discuss it at the right time. “
How does the Rt index work? The mini-lesson of the professor of the Polytechnic of Turin
“Schools restart on January 7”
“There will be a restart” of schools “on January 7: tonight will be the measure proposed by Minister Speranza,” Boccia reiterated then. “Those who advance in the opening of schools must then also advance the reopening of other activities,” he later responded to the Regions that had announced their intention to postpone the opening of the school. “If the opening of the schools is moved to the end of January – he added – and the ski opening is maintained on January 18, something is wrong.”
Government working on the Covid emergency
All of Italy next weekend (January 9 and 10) could be orange: this seems to be the most likely hypothesis to try to stop the circulation of the coronavirus, which is still too high. However, it is debated whether to adopt the hard line of the Executive, who wants the whole country to be in the red zone, supported mainly by the Minister of Health. Roberto Speranza. Work is underway to close the bridge ordinance of Minister Speranza, in force until January 15, the expiration date of the last Dpcm. ORToday the executive intends to make an ordinance with immediate effect with measures common to all of Italy and that will be in force until mid-January, when the different provisions will enter a new Dpcm that will be activated when the previous one expires, on December 3.
Meanwhile, today Italy returns to the orange zone only for one day, while the control room data for monitoring is expected on January 8 and “a certain number of Regions should switch bands.” And the resumption of primary and secondary schools as of January 7 seems confirmed. To decide whether to return to high school, follow-up data is awaited.
Coronavirus, Italy returns to the orange zone only for one day: this is what can be done and what is prohibited
Weekend in red or orange
Yesterday there was a meeting between Prime Minister Conte and the majority heads of delegation. The Minister of Health and the Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario FranceschiniWith the entire Democratic Party, they asked for a red zone for next weekend. That it could turn orange, however, and therefore less rigid but that will also expand in the following weekends.
After January 7, travel between regions is not allowed
As of the 7th, when the Christmas Decree expires with the restrictive measures for the holidays, the prohibition of travel between Regions will also remain until the 15th, except for reasons of necessity.
Visits to friends and family
After Epiphany, the possibility of visiting family and friends once a day can remain valid for a maximum of two people at a time, bringing with them children under 14 years of age. This is the same exemption allowed during the Christmas holidays.
The CTS to review criteria for risk groups
Meanwhile, the technical-scientific committee is moving towards a review of the decisive criteria for determining the risk bands. The idea is to review especially the incidence of RT. Today the orange zone starts from 1.25, the red from 1.5: they should become 1 and 1.25 respectively. The new risk bands will be decided on Friday, with the participation of CTS, control room, Regions. Thus, if the changes in the monitoring system are approved, as of Monday the 11th, some regions will change color: Emilia Romagna, Friuli, Marche, Puglia, Sicily and Lombardy risk orange and Basilicata, Calabria, Liguria and Veneto could enter the red zone.
School, divided regions. Veneto, Friuli and Marche in papa until January 31. Tuscany and Sicily: “Attended on 7”
by Corrado Zunino
Reopening of schools
Another problem to be solved concerns the opening of schools on January 7. We discuss the attendance return for high school students to 50 percent. The President of the Veneto Region, Luca zaia, signed an ordinance continuing the closure of schools higher until January 31. “It does not seem prudent to us,” added Zaia, “in an epidemiological situation in Italy to reopen the schools. This is what we must do today for the good of the community ”. Friuli Venezia Giulia is on the same line: “The problem is not to reopen them, but to keep them open,” they say from the CTS.
School, Fedriga (pres. Friuli-Venezia Giulia): “Reopening on January 7? Many regions will change their minds. Enough of ideological options”
“Running the risk of reopening and then having to close them again in ten days or two weeks. It is something that the country cannot afford because it would be the proven testimony that the numbers are increasing again ”, said the secretary of the Scientific Technical Committee. , Fabio Ciciliano. Meanwhile, the TAR of Lazio has asked the government for a “report” to clarify the scientific evidence that led to the imposition of the use of a mask during school hours on children between 6 and 11 years old.
School, divided regions. Veneto, Friuli and Marche in papa until January 31. Tuscany and Sicily: “Attended on 7”
by Corrado Zunino