Ancona, January 4, 2021 – The reopening of the high school scheduled for January 7, postponed to February 1st. The same line was also chosen in the morning in Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The distance education then will continue 100% for secondary schools second grade, state and equal, until January 31 in Marche. This was decided by the Regional Council, which debated this afternoon the epidemiological trend and also as a result of the consultation made by the Councilor for Education. Giorgia Latini with the school world. President Francesco Acquaroli will broadcast tomorrow, Tuesday 5, an ordinance which formalizes the decision, “adopted with the aim of combating and containing the spread of the virus and guaranteeing as much as possible the health and safety of citizens and the maintenance of hospitals.
In fact, Marks are likely to enter the orange zone in the next color split (probably January 11), presumably at the end of the week because the Scientific Technical Committee has reviewed and restricted the Rt thresholds: an equal value or higher than 1 will be enough to enter the orange zone and 1.25 for the red zone. A figure of great interest for the Brands which, in the last survey with data for the week 21-27 December, had a value at the crest of the orange zone: 0.99.
Additionally, the new dpcm is also expected as the Christmas dpcm expires on January 15th. Despite the desire to attend again, the boys understood the gravity of the situation. “We were already skeptical about the reopening – Explain Andrea Sebastianelli, regional president of the Student Council who met with Councilor Latini -. After the new evaluations I can only agree with the decision of the Region. Reopening and then closing after a few days would mean doing weeks’ work to no avail for safe return to school. Now we have to work and plan the return on the transport front as well. May 7 does not become a political flag because if the conditions are not met, a step back is welcome ”.
The Vice President of the Region Mirco Carloni had anticipated this decision in the morning: “This morning we are thinking of an ordinance that as of 7 schools (higher, ed) will be closed in the Marches to protect our fellow citizens and at the same time we try to keep our region in the yellow zone to avoid further damage to the economy. ”
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