Bonuses and news for families in the Budget Law 2021: let’s see the measures



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Bonuses and incentives for parents and relatives provided for by the Budget Law 2021. Let’s see all the reconfirmations and all the news.

The Budget Law 2021 has brought several innovations. We have already talked about those on the welfare and social security side in the article Pensions and Welfare: all the news in the ISCRO Budget Law 2021 to extensions [GUIDA]. In this article, however, we will illustrate all the news about family bonuses and parenting support planned for 2021.

Bonus 2021: news and confirmations for parents

Single child allowance

Surely the most anticipated novelty of 2021, which, however, will only start from July 1, is the single and universal allowance for those under 21 years of age. The allowance, which must consist of a fixed and variable portion (based on the ISEE of the family unit), provides for an increase in the monthly amount owed from the third child and in the presence of children with disabilities.

The beneficiaries of the measure will be salaried, self-employed and self-employed. Therefore, it will be paid to all families with children under 21 years of age and will be paid from the seventh month of pregnancy.

Discount for mothers with disabled children

This is also a novelty provided by the Budget Law and provides for a monthly benefit of up to 500 euros for mothers with disabled children. To obtain the benefit, the disabled child must have a certified disability of at least 60% and the family unit must be single parent (that is, there is only one father, the mother).

The bonus will be paid monthly during the period between 2021 and 2023, but only to unemployed or single-income mothers.

For the presentation of the applications, the execution decree of the Ministry in charge is awaited.

Baby voucher

The baby voucher that is paid for newborn or adopted between January 1 and December 31, 2021 has also been extended for 2021. The amount remains unchanged, between 80 and 160 euros per month depending on the ISEE of the unit family member (for those who do not present Isee or have an Isee higher than the maximum limit, a benefit equal to 80 euros per month will be paid for 12 months).

Note that to receive the 12-month voucher it is necessary to submit the application within 90 days after the child’s birth (or joining the family). For applications submitted after the first 90 days, on the other hand, the bonus expires from the day after the application is submitted and until the child’s birthday.

Daycare voucher

The kindergarten bonus was also reconfirmed for 2021, which provides for a variable amount, based on the ISEE, from 1,500 to 3,000 euros for families that support the cost of daycare for their children.

Birth Prize or Mommy Bonus Tomorrow

Tomorrow’s mother bonus is also confirmed for 2021 but it can only be requested until June 30, 2020, after which it will expire and will be absorbed by the one-time child allowance. All mothers in the seventh month of pregnancy can apply for the benefit, regardless of their income and Isee.

Bonus and discount for the family

However, the bonuses provided by the Budget Law of 2021 not only concern parents, but also, in general, the family. Let’s see what measures have been reconfirmed by the maneuver.

Vacation voucher

Even if it was only available until December 31, 2020, the vacation voucher expires on June 30, 2021 – this means that for those who requested it at the end of 2020, it can still be used for 6 months.

TV bonus

The bonus was also reconfirmed in 2021, which provides for a contribution of 50 euros to facilitate the transition to the new digital terrestrial to be completed in mid-2022. Allow families with Isee up to 20 thousand euros to replace the television or, alternatively, equip themselves with a decoder with new technology, therefore the TV voucher can also be used during 2021

Bonus smartphone, pc and tablet

The telephone voucher allows some households, until now excluded from the digitization process, to acquire, thanks to the free 12-month loan, a telephone, a PC or a tablet with connectivity. This will allow those who have been excluded from it, to follow the lessons with distance learning.

To benefit from the voucher (only 1 per family unit) it is necessary that there is a student, even a university student, that no one has an internet connection or mobile phone contract and that the applicant has a SPID.


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