Covid, contagion flares up again and hospitalizations splash: 82 new positives and another 5 in the room. Two deaths


Bad news from Asrem’s usual newsletter related to the Covid emergency. Contagions explode again with a positive rate of 16.1%, hospitalized patients continue to increase exponentially and unfortunately deaths persist. Let’s start with this last figure. Today Sunday, January 3, an 85-year-old man from Petacciato and a 78-year-old man from Montenero di Bisaccia did not succeed, both were hospitalized for infectious diseases.

Another 5 patients required hospitalization and all were admitted to the infection room. Today there is a resigned and therefore the number of hospitalized amounts to 64, of which 54 in infectious diseases and 10 in intensive care.

New positives are 82 out of 508 swabs processed, bringing the percentage of swab positives to 16.1%.

The only positive fact of the day concerns the healed that are 149.

The new positives (82) are:

3 Acquaviva Collecroce

1 Agnone

1 Bagnoli del Trigno

1 Baranello

5 Bojano

12 Campobasso

1 Castelmauro

1 Cercepiccola

4 Civitacampomarano

1 collector

3 Prawn

9 Isernia

1 Jelsa

1 Macchiagodena

1 Montagano

1 montaquila

5 Montecilfone

3 Montenero di Bisaccia

1 Monteroduni

1 curly

2 ripalimosani

1 San Giuliano del Sannio

3 Santa Croce di Magliano

5 Sant’Elia to Pianisi

1 Sessano del Molise

1 Sesto Campano

9 Termoli

1 Trivento

2 Venafro

1 Vinchiaturo

Today they were also made 162 antigen tests, 4 of which were positive: Confirmation of molecular buffer is awaited.

The positives are currently 1750, while the totals since the beginning of the emergency have reached the number of 6755.

The healed rose to 4808, And decessi to 197.
