Italy in the “red zone”, but 38 Savonese violate the dpcm to enjoy the spectacle of the snow


Province. The weekend was characterized by two colors: the white of the snow, which descended inland, and the red, symbol of the restrictions that provide for the obligation to stay at home unless it is necessary to travel. However, 38 people from Savona who decided to violate the anti-covid measures could not resist and from the Riviera del Ponente they headed to Val Bormida to enjoy the spectacle of the whitewashed mountains.

The Carabinieri of the Savona Provincial Command, to counter this irresponsible attitude, have drawn up a coordinated plan to control the territory, relocating numerous patrols on the secondary roads that lead to the interior.

Many were the people sanctioned by the carabinieri of the Albenga and Cairo Montenotte Companies. In total 38 administrative sanctions contested during the weekend to the same number of people (13 between Borghetto Santo Spirito and Finale Ligure and 25 between Calizzano, Cengio and Millesimo) who, ignoring the recommendations to contain the coronavirus infection, decided to make a trip out door. Now they will have to pay a fine of € 400 each.

“We hope it will be useful for the future – says Lieutenant Colonel Paolo Belgi – The activity to combat the spread of Covid-19 is constantly advancing, but everyone’s sense of responsibility is needed to overcome this crisis.
