The League unloads Gallera: ‘It does not represent Lombardy’ – Politics


On Saturday, criticism of the opposition to the exit considered “failure”, yesterday the attack by the League -which sounds like distrust- against the words used by the Councilor for Welfare Giulio Gallera to defend himself against the accusations of delay: it is a start The Wave of controversy is that of the anti-Covid vaccination campaign in Lombardy, the region most affected by the virus and, however, at the end of the ranking of administrations carried out in relation to the number of doses received from V-Day .

“We have prepared an agenda,” Gallera explained in an interview published by La Stampa, “the 31st was the last day of the year, so there would have been three days of celebration. We have doctors and nurses who have 50 days off. . I do not let them return to the service for a vaccination on holidays. “In addition, Gallera described as” chilling “the ranking of the regions that have vaccinated the most people so far,” not to mention those regions that have run to show that they are better than who knows who. “

Obviously unpleasant phrases by the Northern League in the Region: “The advisor’s statements do not represent the thought of the Lombardy government. However, the government cannot use them to accuse us of delays in the vaccination campaign,” reads a note released by the League. in the Pirellone he represents the majority party. On Saturday in a press release from the Region, Gallera himself explained that the vaccination campaign in Lombardy would begin on January 4, “a thoughtful and careful choice, also motivated by the fact that on holidays some staff members enjoyed of a sacrosanct rest. which since February, like in no other Italian region, has been under pressure due to the violence with which the virus has hit our territory. ”Therefore, the acceleration of the vaccine is expected for today, the day official launching of the campaign in the region, when, again according to the commissioner, Lombardy should proceed at a rate of 10 thousand vaccinations per day and then reach 15 thousand. Gallera, in Forza Italia, has been targeted for months by the Pd and the M5S, which on several occasions have requested its replacement for the management of the pandemic and the anti-flu campaign, completed with motions of no confidence in the Council (all however rejected by the center-right). In recent days, the governor of the Northern League, Attilio Fontana, opened for the first time a reorganization of the council, which has been talked about for some time: “The fundamental points on which we must focus are health and economic recovery. If there can be conditions for improvement “. The team – said Fontana – will certainly be taken into account.”