Government in disarray, Conte will do all kinds of things to keep us locked up – Time


Francesco Storace

‘I’m lame lame and who knows if I’m lame. Conte’s government proceeds blindly and continues as if we were at Carnival in an indescribable confusion of colors and rules. The substance remains one, however: they want to lock us up again with a series of schizophrenic measures after the failure of the last measures attempted.

There will be other Dpcm in a succession of the diminishing frenzy of the prime minister. Throughout the day yesterday, the most diverse news overlapped, from the stoppage to the movements between regions to end within the municipalities. Red areas here and orange there, barricaded next weekend. With the addition of maximum hospitality for two per home. They are crazy. We used to say “let’s hope Christmas break lasts.” Now they stretch them out so that we never forget the torture they inflict on us.

New Dpcm, summit of Conte.  As of January 7, full closure on weekends

Remember this, Giuseppe Conte: let’s now make some sacrifices for a peaceful Christmas, said the most presumptuous prime minister in decades with his usual fake smile. We were in October. Now we discover that the increase in infections depends on what we did during the holidays. Obviously both in August and at Christmas the devil takes over the town to contradict the government’s provisions. Which is notoriously never wrong.

We were missing the mini-Dpcm.  Summit with Conte, the bridge measure appears

Can we ask Conte if he is capable of self-criticizing the leadership of the European country most tormented by Covid given the number of deaths that did not correspond to an adaptation of the measures adopted? Can CTS scientists, who now access majority meetings as if they were more political than technical issues, finally figure out how to defeat the virus rather than help the executive impose limits on our random freedom? The prime minister’s next sermon will be roughly the one asking “sacrifices today to preserve Easter lunch with the family?” The government has completely failed in its mission. Conte wants to reopen schools to at least 50 percent, but it seems a part of silencing Azzolina. Because there is still no certainty for January 7. At the refreshment stations, the executive managed to make everyone dissatisfied: they promised rains a billion dollars, there is a drought. A colossal fool with vaccines. Punctuality only in case of tax depredation. It is a government without any credibility that is preparing to re-wound a people exasperated by prohibitions that are proving useless for that purpose. It is not governed with one dpcm a week, which has the same effect as the resignations announced every day for the following day by the ministers of Italia Viva.

Orange weekend, then yellow takes off ... Italy in color, you don't understand anything anymore

In the next few hours we will learn more about the compost measures of Conte, who does not even have the problem of letting us plan our life, our activities. We will witness an intertwining of colors of the different areas into which the Italian regions are divided and the curfew times that can be anticipated from 10 p.m. to 8 p.m. There is not an iota of serious project for health, and here we are waiting for the third wave in the sign of impotence. But not even for the economy: the spiteful people who govern us are unable to tell Europe, with the seriousness that a massive maneuver would require, on what we intend to spend the money from the Recovery Fund. Only titles and no content. You really don’t know what to wish for our battered country. On the one hand there is the question of how to do without a government; on the other, the certainty that nothing concrete can be done with this government. But it is politics that must resolve the dilemma. If there is courage to break out compared to an exhausted executive, there is no need to wait any longer – get together, walk around and decide. Because if you continue like this you are killing the Italian people, desperate for reliable references to get out of a terrible crisis. Conte didn’t boast of anything. Nobody asked him for miracles. He played the role that did not belong to him. And it has disappointed millions of Italians who have been left alone, abandoned to a bitter fate.
